Undergraduate Tuition and Fees

To get you started as a full-time traditional undergraduate student taking 30 credits per year, here are the important numbers you need to know for 2024-2025.

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Annual
Per Semester $20,154 $20,154 $40,308
Comprehensive Fee - Traditional Undergraduate Program $400 $400 $800
Activity Fee Traditional Undergraduate Program $400 $400 $800 
Medical Insurance Full-Time Traditional Undergraduate (Optional) $2,816 -      $2,816
Tuition Totals $23,770 $20,954 $44,724 per year
Per Credit $1680.00      
Room & Board    
  Fall Semester Spring Semester  
Room Deposit $50    
Room Options      
Dominican Hall    
Single Occupancy $6538 $6538 $13,076 per year
Double Occupancy $5,960 $5,960 $11,920 per year
Triple/Quad Occupancy $5,842 $5,842 $11,684 per year
Single Occupancy $6,538 $6,538 $13,076 per year
Double Occupancy $5,959  $5,959 $11,918 per year
Triple/Quad Occupancy $5,842 $5,842 $11,684 per year
490 Prospect    
Single Occupancy $7,139 $7,139 $14,278 per year
Double Occupancy $6,687 $6,687 $13,374 per year
Dining Plans    
Blue 275 meals+ $50.00 DD $1,918 $1,918 $3,836 per year
White 225 meals+$250 DD $1,422 $1,422 $2,844 per year
Silver 175 meals+$150.00 DD $1,052 $1,052 $2,104 per year
Red 5 meals(wkly)+$50.00 DD $445 $445 $890 per year
Community Meal Plans      
Falcon Fuel 100 meals w/ $100 in DD $725 $725 $1450 per year
Falcon Fuel 75 meals w/ $75 in DD $550 $550 $1100 per year
Falcon Fuel 50 meals w/ $50 in DD $375 $375 $750 per year
Falcon Fuel 25 meals w/$25 in DD $195 $195 $390 per year

Both unused meals and unused dining dollars carry over from the fall to spring semester but do not carry from the spring to fall semester.

***Student Insurance $2,816.00 (Annual Coverage effective 8/15/2024 - 8/14/2025) 

NOTE: If a student has active coverage with another Insurance provider, the school Insurance must be waived at: www.gallagherstudent.com/Albertus before classes begin.

International Students must enroll In the school based Insurance plan
Not all plans are considered comparable, such as out-of-state Medicaid plans, certain HMOs and managed care plans, 
Questions, please contact Gallagher Student Health & Special risk loll free 1-877-300-3541 or by email Albertusstudent@gallagherstudent.com 

Pending Financial Aid Act Codes

If the code for your pending financial aid is P or E, your aid has not been finalized and you must contact the Financial Aid Office as to the status of these awards , grants, loans and/or scholarships. Please confirm your latest award letter. If you find any discrepancies, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 203·773-8508 with any questions. 

Course & Materials Fees – 2024-2025

Course & Materials Fees – 2025-2026


The average cost of textbooks per student for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1200.

Students can search for course offerings and textbook information here. Textbook information is available 2-3 weeks before classes begin.

The on-campus Falcon Store does not sell textbooks. All textbooks must be ordered online.