Alumni Volunteers

Many of the programs that the Alumni Association hosts wouldn’t be possible without the help of our dedicated and selfless volunteers! Their time and talents of a variety of professions are what help our organization grow.
Our volunteer group is comprised of current Albertus Magnus students, alumni, parents, staff, faculty, and emeriti, as well as friends of the College that use their time to give back to the Alumni Association and many of its programs.

Volunteers assist us annually with several events and programs throughout the year. They assist us in events such as Commencement and Homecoming; as well as speaker’s panels such as Career Conversations, along with helping on special projects, regional events, and student mentoring.
Albertus Magnus College has a long history of alumni giving back in many ways including volunteering their time in support of their alma mater! Come join us and see all of the exciting things happening at Albertus Magnus.