Study Abroad
Eligibility Requirements

Albertus Magnus College administers study abroad programs and enforces study abroad eligibility in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures described herein.
- Students (both first-time freshmen and transfer students) must complete two full semesters of study at Albertus Magnus College before going abroad and must achieve sophomore standing prior to departure.
- Students must have a cumulative G.P.A. of a 3.0 or higher at the time of their application.
- Students must be in good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress toward a degree at Albertus.
- Students must not have participated in a prior study abroad experience in which financial aid money/Albertus Magnus College scholarship money was used to pay for tuition and expenses.
- Students must participate in a Pre-Departure Orientation.
- Students must receive full approval for study abroad.
- Students cannot be in the last semester of senior year.

Albertus Magnus College reviews the disciplinary records of all students seeking study abroad approval and determines their eligibility to apply and participate in study abroad. Students on disciplinary probation are not eligible to apply for or to participate in study abroad programs. They MUST have one full semester, (fall or spring) on the Albertus Magnus College campus, with no additional disciplinary incidents between the end of the probationary period and departure to the host country.
All students seeking approval for study abroad will have their records checked at the time of application and the end of the term before the student’s departure to receive final approval to study abroad.
Program Selection

Students interested in studying abroad through an Affiliate or Associate Program must do the following prior to submitting an application directly to the program sponsor or host institution:
Attend a Study Abroad Info Session or meet with the Office of Career & Professional Development to select an approved affiliate or associate program.
Meet with their academic advisor to select courses from that program, which must provide 12 to 15 credits of coursework that will be applied directly toward their academic degree.
In Affiliation with Assumption University
Study Abroad Anywhere in the World
In Affiliation with the American Institute for Foreign Study
Study Abroad in Dingle, Ireland
In Affiliation with Sacred Heart University