Student Clubs & Organizations
It only takes yourself and three other full-time undergraduate students, one full-time staff or faculty advisor, and one constitution to start a new club at Albertus.
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Our purpose allows all full-time and part-time students to learn about various aspects of the accounting and finance fields. In addition, it aims to offer students an opportunity to meet students with similar career interests. The club aims to attract students interested in the subject matter to broaden their interests.
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The Art Club of the Albertus Magnus College will provide full time and part time students with the opportunity to express themselves through and learn about different aspects of the art world.
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The Black Student Union is to serve as a liaison between (but not limited to) students of African descent, the staff, and faculty within the Albertus Magnus College Community. We aim to advocate for our students as well as stimulate social, intellectual, political, and cultural growth within our clubs as well as for our entire community. Through providing a safe place for students to engage as well as explore the black experience. We hope to promote cultural diversity through events, discussions, and social gatherings. Lastly, We will foster a peaceful community where everyone is welcomed, heard, and respected.
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The purpose of the organization shall be to provide a yearly publication through Albertus Magnus College. This will showcase the tremendous talent that all students have.
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The Campus Activities Board at Albertus Magnus College is a student-run organization that provides the undergraduate student community with diverse social programs. CAB Officers and members actively plan, implement, and host programs to create an amazing and memorable student experience at Albertus.
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The purpose of the Commuter Council shall be to provide information, representation, and advocacy in multiple facets, along with programming and support services for commuting students.
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The Cyber Falcon Patriots of Albertus Magnus College strives to provide knowledge on cybersecurity to its members and exterior community. It seeks to inspire individuals to pursue education and career in STEM fields. The learning culminates in an annual competition against other colleges in the largest cyber defense competition held nationally while improving each member's skill. Members will both have the opportunity to compete, and help coach youth teams.
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The purpose of this organization is for students who are interested in serving the Albertus community through the practice of the four Dominican pillars of prayer, community, study and service.
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The purpose of this club is for students who are interested in theatre and the arts to enjoy discussions of plays, see or act in performances, and support the arts as a collaborative unit. This club will encourage students to exercise their creativity and their passion for theatre, as well as offer new and exciting experiences involved with the stage regarding the roles we may have as actors, crew members, and the audience. Thusly, this club wants students to think creatively, analyze critically, and participate wholeheartedly in the world of theatre.
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The purpose of this club is for students who are interested in video games and Esports to play together, watch twitch streams or professional and collegiate matches, compete in tournaments, and support any and all things with video games or competitive Esports. This club will encourage students to show their passion for video games and Esports by being a community who plays together, discusses Esports trends, and by attending or watching events. This will also create opportunities for students to share their hobbies, help each other improve, and even compete together. This club wants students to collaborate, analyze, compete, and most of all participate in all the fun Gaming and Esports has to offer.
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In addition to the rigorous academic challenges outlined in the Albertus Magnus College catalog, the purpose of this club is to provide students in the Honors Program an opportunity to organize and participate in various cultural activities/events, as well as volunteer with local community service projects.
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The purpose of this organization shall be to believe in people and their future. Supporting potential students by empowering them as transformers of lives. Innovating, entrepreneurs, communities, impact, and leadership will be our mission. Everyone’s story is unique, and our programs are as diverse as the humans they benefit from but focusing on the Latino community. This Student group is committed to creating a model of change for vulnerable groups of people.
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The purpose of this organization shall be to attract and gather fellow musicians and non- musicians of different backgrounds and specialties. The goal is for these members to meet others, collaborate, learn, make music, and have fun doing so. Everyone has a different taste and unique talent. We hope to build a creative and harmonious environment for music to thrive at Albertus Magnus.
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Peer Educators are leaders in the primary prevention of sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking through educational outreach programs that they plan and facilitate in an effort to make the campus community healthier, safer, and more enjoyable. The Peer Educators participate in a training program that creates a strong foundation of education to assist their peers in issues relating to power-based violence. They also play a critical role in the planning and implementation of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October and Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April. Each semester, Peer Educators also help each other to facilitate educational, informative, and engaging programs. These programs are open to the campus community to learn more about how they can have healthy sexuality, relationships, bystander intervention, and more.
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The purpose of this organization is to provide a safe, inclusive space for LGBTQ+ students and their allies. The organization, in addition to providing a safe (brave) space, will encourage students to get involved through a variety of social activities, advocacy campaigns, and campus-wide events. Moreover, the organization promotes dialogue between students of all backgrounds around issues facing the LGBTQ+ community. The organization strives to be a visible presence on campus and to educate the campus community on these topics, while also having fun engaging activities that will bring the community closer together, such as speakers, activities, and educational events.
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The purpose of the Science Club is to promote the interest, understanding and knowledge of the scientific world throughout the college and local community. The areas of interest shall reflect the interest of the members. The club shall seek to foster the type of honest skepticism that is necessary for lifelong learning.
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The Albertus Magnus College Student Government Association (SGA) is the governing body of the students, who advocate and work to improve and enhance the student experience. They oversee the approval process for clubs and organizations and are responsible for the distribution of the student activities fee.
To learn more about student clubs and organizations, email the clubs that have their own email addresses, or contact for more information and to get the student contact name.