Candlelight Convocation for Albertus Magnus College Class of 2026
August 31 is Date for Time-Honored Tradition
New Haven, Conn., August 29, 2022 – The first class of the second century of excellence at Albertus Magnus College will participate in the College’s oldest and perhaps most visual tradition – the Convocation and Candlelight Service. This is the time when upper class students pass the light of knowledge to first-year and transfer students as they begin their journey as members of the Falcon Family.
Who: First Year and Transfer Students; Juniors and Seniors; Dr. Paul Robichaud, Chair, Department of English, Convocation Speaker
What: Convocation and Candlelight Service – Including the Presentation of the 2026
Class Banner
Where: Behan Community Center (Hubert Campus Center), 831 Winchester Ave., New Haven
When: August 31 beginning at 11:00 am
The event includes a processional, prayer and reflection, the lighting of the candles, the signing of the Tradition of Honor, and the presentation of the Class Banner.

About Albertus Magnus College
About Albertus Magnus College: Albertus Magnus College, founded in 1925, is a Catholic College in the Dominican tradition. It is recognized by external rankings such as US News & World Report Best Colleges, Money Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education. The College has an enrollment of 1,500 students in its traditional undergraduate program, accelerated adult degree programs, and 12 graduate programs, including a new Master of Public Administration and the only Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling program in Connecticut. In the last year, the College received two significant Federal grants in support of student success and well-being: a $300,000 grant from the Department of Justice and a $1.9 million Title III grant from the Department of Education.