Albertus Magnus College Sparks Action for Suicide Prevention
Traveling Exhibit: “Send Silence Packing" Comes to Campus March 6

New Haven, Conn., March 4, 2025 – Albertus Magnus College welcomes the traveling exhibit Send Silence Packing back to campus on March 6. This is the second time Albertus’ Health and Wellness team is partnering with Active Minds, a nonprofit organization focused on raising awareness regarding mental health and providing suicide prevention resources to college campuses nationwide. The first collaboration took place in September 2022 and was also made possible in large part by the Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grant, of which Albertus is a recipient. The mission of the grant is to create accessible mental health support for every student.
Who: Albertus Magnus College Health and Wellness Team, students, staff, and faculty.What: Exhibit to inspire communities; create action for suicide prevention and mental health resources. Facilitate critical conversations to end the silence surrounding mental health and suicide.
Where: Hubert Campus Center; 831 Winchester Avenue, New Haven, Conn.
When: Thursday, March 6; 9am - 4pm.
How: Made possible through the Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grant.
Why: An acute nationwide awareness of the increasing mental health challenges faced by students.
This moving exhibit for Albertus students, staff, and faculty is now more accessible. Backpacks are hung at eye level (instead of placed on the ground) where people can read stories of those impacted by suicide. Every pack tells a different story or contains a message of hope.
This event will have mental health support for every Albertus community member who needs time to process. The Mater’s in Art Therapy program will be hosting an art directive processing space for any Albertus family member who would like to creatively express their feelings.
In addition, there will be licensed mental health counselors on hand for anyone who would like to use their support. Albertus also will have resources available to highlight many mental health community agencies and practitioners.
About Albertus Magnus College
Albertus Magnus College, founded in 1925, is a coeducational Catholic College in the Dominican tradition. As New England's most diverse Catholic College, Albertus' values- and liberal arts-based education is recognized by external rankings such as US News & World Report, Money Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, and has been named a Top 10 Military Friendly School. For eight consecutive years, graduating classes at Albertus have achieved post-graduate employment and graduate school success at a rate of at least 95%. The College has an enrollment of approximately 1,300 students across its traditional undergraduate, accelerated adult undergraduate, and 12 graduate programs. Proud to enroll a student body where more than half of its students come from minority backgrounds with nearly the same percentage of undergraduates receiving Federal Pell Grants and being first generation college goers, Albertus is known for its innovative curricular offerings, recently launching new Bachelor's degree programs in Nursing, General Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary Studies, Public Health, and Supply Chain Management; among its graduate programs is the State of Connecticut's only Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling program. Just two years from its historic 100 th Anniversary Year, the College is implementing its Albertus 2025: Lighting the Way to a Second Century strategic plan, which articulates an inspiring, bold vision to "be a destination liberal arts-based college, distinguished in its interdisciplinary and experiential approach to education, rooted in Dominican values, that prepares students for lifelong civic engagement and success." To learn more, please visit