Albertus Magnus College President Named to New Haven Biz's Power 25
Latest in a Series of Accolades for Dr. Marc M. Camille

President Marc M. Camille
New Haven, Conn., February 13, 2023 – Albertus Magnus College is pleased to announce that President Marc M. Camille, Ed.D., has been named to the annual New Haven Biz Power 25 List. This prestigious group of individuals is nominated and selected by the editorial staff of southern Connecticut’s trusted source of business news and information. The honorees are chosen and ranked based on their positions and impact.
“Being included among such a distinguished and respected group of New Haven area leaders is an unexpected honor,” said Dr. Camille. “For nearly a century, Albertus Magnus College has fulfilled a legacy of elevating life dreams through the promise of its Dominican values- and liberal arts-based education, with a priority to making that education available to those who might not otherwise have access. From its founding and continuing today, the education delivered by talented, dedicated Albertus faculty and staff empowers and enables our students to, upon graduation, be successful in their career vocations and to be sources of positive impact in their communities. Through my own leadership service and activities, my hope is to model that positive impact. I’m honored and humbled to receive this affirmation from New Haven Biz.”
Now in his sixth year serving as Albertus President, Dr. Camille’s leadership has inspired the Albertus community to embrace an ambitious growth agenda. Since his arrival, applications for the first-year class have increased to new record totals and the College’s traditional undergraduate enrollment has increased 40%, to an all-time high total of more than 600 students. Just shy of its 100th Anniversary Year in 2025, the College is implementing a bold new strategic plan, Albertus 2025: Lighting the Way to a Second Century, which challenges the Albertus community to achieve four strategic priorities: to Lead in Academic Innovation; to Optimize the Student Experience; to Live the Albertus Story; and to Forge Long-term Institutional Vitality.
The inclusion in New Haven Biz’s Power 25 builds on recent recognition of Dr. Camille’s leadership impact—in January he was elected to serve on the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Division III Presidents Council. Earlier this academic year, Dr. Camille was elected to serve as Chair of the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce’s Regional Leadership Council, and he serves as a Board and Executive Committee member for the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) and Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges (CCIC).
About Albertus Magnus College
About Albertus Magnus College: Albertus Magnus College, founded in 1925, is a coeducational Catholic College in the Dominican tradition. Its values- and liberal arts-based education is recognized by external rankings such as US News & World Report, Money Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, and has been named a Top 10 Military Friendly School. For six consecutive years, graduating classes at Albertus have achieved post-graduate employment and graduate school success at a rate of at least 95%. The College has an enrollment of approximately 1,300 students across its traditional undergraduate program, accelerated adult degree program, and 11 graduate programs. Proud to enroll a student body where more than half of its students come from minority backgrounds and nearly the same percentage of undergraduates receiving Federal Pell Grants and being first generation college goers, Albertus is known for its innovative curricular offerings, recently launching new Bachelor’s degree programs in Game and Computer Arts, General Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary Studies, Project Management, Public Health, Social Media, and Supply Chain Management; among its graduate programs is the State of Connecticut’s only Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling program. Just three years from its historic 100th Anniversary Year, the College is implementing its new strategic plan, Albertus 2025: Lighting the Way to a Second Century, which articulates an inspiring, bold vision, in which Albertus Magnus College "will be a destination liberal arts-based college, distinguished in its interdisciplinary and experiential approach to education, rooted in Dominican values, that prepares students for lifelong civic engagement and success." To learn more, please visit