Albertus Magnus College Holds Virtual Lecture on Immigration
St. Thomas Aquinas Lecture Series Continues April 14
New Haven, Conn., April 8, 2021 – Albertus Magnus College is pleased to present its next installment of the St. Thomas Aquinas Lecture Series
with the St. Catherine of Siena Lecture as a livestreamed event:
Who: Kristin E. Heyer
What: Kinship with Immigrants: A Christian Ethic for Troubling Times
When: April 14, 2021 at 5:30 pm
How: email:
Why: Explore contributions that Scripture and the Catholic social tradition offer for a
better understanding and approach to our contemporary immigration situation.
Kristin E. Heyer is a Professor of Theological Ethics and Director of Graduate Studies
in the Theology department at Boston College. She serves as co-chair of Catholic
Theological Ethics in the World Church. Heyer received her B.A. from Brown University
and her Ph.D. in Theological Ethics from Boston College. Her books include Kinship
Across Borders: A Christian Ethic of Immigration and Prophetic and Public: the Social
Witness of US Catholicism, which won the College Theology Society’s “Best Book Award.”
The St. Thomas Aquinas Lecture Series is made possible through the generosity of the
Marie Louise Bianchi ’31 Fund.

Kristin E. Heyer, Ph.D. - Professor of Theological Ethics and Director of Graduate Studies in the Theology department at Boston College
About Albertus Magnus College
About Albertus Magnus College: Albertus Magnus College, founded in 1925, is a Catholic College in the Dominican tradition. It is recognized by external rankings such as US News & World Report Best Colleges, Money Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education. The College has an enrollment of 1,500 students in its traditional undergraduate program, accelerated adult degree programs, and 12 graduate programs, including a new Master of Public Administration and the only Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling program in Connecticut. In the last year, the College received two significant Federal grants in support of student success and well-being: a $300,000 grant from the Department of Justice and a $1.9 million Title III grant from the Department of Education.