Learning Beyond the Classroom
Teach-In Days at Albertus
Teach-In Days provide a variety of opportunities including workshops, hands-on activities, and panel discussions that supports personal growth and well-being, professional development, and the ability to make a positive difference in the world.
Traditionally, a Teach-In Day is defined as a day of discussions and dialogue surrounding a particular topic or issue of concern, which is attended by college students, faculty, and staff. Teach-In Days typically focus on current events or pressing issues that impact students, society, and more broadly, the world. A Teach-In Day allows the College Community to come together outside of the traditional classroom to collaboratively explore a single topic and to develop strategies to, in good Dominican tradition, put theory to practice.
Our Teach-In days are built around the four Dominican pillars of Study, Prayer, Community, and Service, and they address topics ranging from ways to promote social justice to strategies to create personal and societal health and well-being. All were designed to holistically engage students with new perspectives that can ignite their curiosity and broaden their capacity as students and community members. Facilitating the days will be experts drawn from inside and outside of the College.
Previous Events
Previous Events
Previous Events
Service Day
Dominican Pillars of Service and Community
On this day of service, students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in a variety of community service opportunities. Our Service Day actions not only help our local community, but allow us to engage in the beauty of God’s created world.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Dedicated to the pillars of community, service, and study
Join the Albertus Magnus College community for a series of virtual events honoring the legacy and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the enduring impact that the struggle for civil rights has had, and continues to have, on this country and throughout the world.
Freedom’s Scene | 11:00am – 12:00pm
Dr. Christy Hyman, Assistant Professor of Human Geography, Mississippi State University
Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy of courage, service, and action continues to inspire
people the world over to effect meaningful change for justice. But the spaces and
places of struggle across the nation remain marred by the residue of sacrifice. Public
engagement as well as public space in regards to the role of history and memory of
the long Civil Rights Struggle is the subject of this talk, imploring audiences to
con sider how our landscape today is still brimming with the legacy of the struggle
for equality.
Zoom link:
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rethinking American History | 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Dr. Robert Greene II, Assistant Professor of History, Clafin University
Martin Luther King, Jr., used the power of history to push the nation forward on civil and human rights. In this talk, Dr. King is put into conversation with the historical currents of the 1960s, as he utilized public speeches and writings to push Americans to rethink the place of Black people in American history. In the process, Dr. King and other leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, working as part of a Black historical tradition, crafted a “Black usable past” that still pushes Americans to think critically—and holistically—about their past.
Zoom link:
“I Have a Dream” at 60: The Enduring Importance of Dr. King’s Speech | 3:00pm – 4:15pm
Roundtable discussion
Moderator: Dr. Ross Edwards, Associate Professor of Political Science, Albertus Magnus College
• Dr. Lisa Beth Hill, Adjunct Professor of History, Albertus Magnus College
• Professor Carol Huckaby, Director, M.S. in Human Services, Albertus Magnus College
• Dr. Nicola Singh, Assistant Professor of History, Albertus Magnus College
• Dr. Jon Sozek, Assistant Professor of Religion, Albertus Magnus College
• Earl McCoy Jr., Assistant Dir. of Career and Professional Development, Albertus
• Shamain McAllister, Community Programs Manager, International Festival of Arts and
• Jared McKenzie-Smith, President of the Black Student Union, Albertus Magnus College
Zoom Link:
Experiential Learning Day
Dominican Pillar of Study & Community
On Experiential Learning Day, students share their experiential learning accomplishments
in the form of talks; posters; and visual, written, or performing arts.
More About Experiential Learning Day
Coffee, Snacks & Welcome Address |
8:30am - 8:50am
Tagliatela Academic Center (TAG)
We will start the day with registering students through Handshake at the registration table located near the main entrance of the TAG Academic Center. Food and drinks will be available for all. ELD program will be available via QR Code, which will take attendees to the ELD website. Dr. Joshua Abreu, CTLE Director, will provide a welcome statement and review the day’s program.
Visitors and students without meal plans can receive a lunch ticket at no cost.
Breakout Session #1 | 9:00am - 9:35am
Greening the Earth at Albertus
Room: Tag Atrium
Advancements in technology have wrought the Earth's natural systems and contributed to poverty. While directly confronting ecological degradation, Pope Francis questions the health of any spirituality that would threaten humanity's relationship with nature. Francis creates an ecology of science, theology, and social action through his writings to emphasize the sanctity of cherishing "all of God's creatures" and hearing "both the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor." This panel presents students' actions at Albertus to create a stronger connection between Albertus family and Albertus nature.
Student Presenters:
Nicoletta Pellegrino
Erick Morales
Carter Brassington
Bliss Weston
Chloe Oliver
Moderator: Dr. Edward Dunar, Dr. Shiva Rezvan, Dr. Robert Bourgeois
Breakout Session #2 | 9:40am - 10:15am
Food Insecurity in the Time of Covid-19: Implications for the Child Development
Room: AC 212 (TAG)
After intense research and volunteering at Loaves and Fishes, a food pantry in downtown
New Haven, this panel of Albertus students will present on the detrimental effects
that food insecurity has on families, specifically in New Haven, and its impact on
the cognitive, physical, and emotional development of children. This presentation
will bring awareness of the large-scale issue that food insecurity has on all aspects
of the human person including the origins, consequences, long-term effects, and possible
solutions to the problem.
Student Presenters:
Anderson Johnson
Destiny Johnson
Jace Lis-D'alessandro
Chloe Olive
Moderator: Dr. Bonnie Pepper
The Prison Industrial Complex: The Bad and The Dirty
Room: Tag Atrium
The issue of the prison industrial complex is very often overlooked. Angela Davis, author of Are Prisons Obsolete? argues against the prison industrial complex and advocates for change. She addresses issues such as police brutality, sexual assault, and the capitalistic gain that stems from systematic racism and corrupt political policies. Ultimately, being an advocate for such a matter is extremely important to society as we want to rehabilitate those who are incarcerated, not punish them.
Student Presenter: Samantha Otranto
Nathaly Duchimaza
Rachel Ciarleglio
Moderator: Dr. Jon Sozek
Two Clay Figures: The Effects of Emotional Abuse on Children
Room: Tag Atrium
This presentation will include a short video depicting two clay figures meant to symbolize and spread awareness for emotional abuse. The presentation will also include a painting about feminism.
Student Presenter: Samantha Otranto
Nathaly Duchimaza
Rachel Ciarleglio
Moderator: Dr. Jon Sozek
We Are Here In Mourning and In Rage: Nancy Princenthal’s ‘Unspeakable Acts’
Room: Tag Atrium
Nancy Princenthal's "Unspeakable Acts: Women, Art, and Sexual Violence in the 1970s"
focuses on the cultural and artistic and political revolutions that gave a voice to
women and allowed them to bring visibility to rape, sexual violence, and relationship
violence. This presentation will specifically focus on the art of Suzanne Lacy and
Marina Abramović and the lasting impacts of their work.
Student Presenter: Samantha Otranto
Nathaly Duchimaza
Rachel Ciarleglio
Moderator: Dr. Jon Sozek
Public Health Internship
Room: AC 113 (TAG)
This presentation will be on an internship completed at the East Shore District Health Department in Branford.
Student Presenter: Annie Dymarczyk
Caden Cloutier
Jah-Naisha Lee
Moderator: Kobéy Smith, MBA
Interning at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Room: AC 113 (TAG)
From catching mosquitos over the summer to running their DNA in the lab, the process
of genotyping mosquitos runs over much time and steps. Understanding genotypes can
help lead to better understanding of vector-borne illness and medical breakthroughs.
Student Presenter: Annie Dymarczyk
Caden Cloutier
Jah-Naisha Lee
Moderator: Kobéy Smith, MBA
Youth Recreation Facility Experience: Cardinal Shehan Center
Room: AC 113 (TAG)
Provide background information on an internship experience at the Cardinal Shehan
Student Presenter: Annie Dymarczyk
Caden Cloutier
Jah-Naisha Lee
Moderator: Kobéy Smith, MBA
BREAKOUT SESSION #3 | 10:20am - 10:55am
An Organizational & Psychological Approach to a Healthy Work Environment
Room: BCR (Campus Center)
In organizational communications we learn about the human resources approach, which highlights how leaders can provide the basic needs of the employees, in addition to motivating the workers to unite in pursuit of their organizational goals. This correlates with the foundations of humanistic psychology, which emphasizes the holistic perspective of an individual and the belief that each person is capable of achieving self-actualization. In this presentation, we will dissect both approaches to explore how these methods address the needs of an employee in an organization, and how fulfilling those needs can create a healthy work environment focused on positive self-image, growth, and natural potential.
Honors Program: Business, Leadership, and Science Projects
Krystal Luna
Amy Stevens
Anderson Johnson
Moderators: Dr. Kristen DeCarli
The Power of Kohl’s Cash
Room: BCR (Campus Center)
In our Principles of Marketing class, Dr. DeCarli often speaks about her love of Kohl's and the special promotions they run. I have worked at Kohl's for the past two years and have now moved into the Sephora department at our local Branford Kohl's. I have a special interest in this topic because I also appreciate the marketing tactics Kohl's uses to keep their customers coming back. In this research paper, I take a look into the company’s advertising campaigns, brand partnerships, and marketing strategies. I also offer my own insights into how best to market the Beauty Insider rewards program.
Honors Program: Business, Leadership, and Science Projects
Krystal Luna
Amy Stevens
Anderson Johnson
Moderators: Dr. Kristen DeCarli
The True Effects of Social Media on Adolescents
Room: BCR (Campus Center)
Social media plays a large role in everyone’s lives in today’s society. However, the
effect of social media on adolescents is monumental. Many studies have shown a correlation
between the amount of social media use and negative mental health results. Social
media creates a distraction from everyday life for many of the youth. Social media
causes an unhealthy relationship with self-image, leading to mental health disorders,
eating disorders, and more. It also is a breeding ground for cyberbullying, which
also leads to diminished self-image. Social media is a very prevalent problem that
there really is no solution yet.
Honors Program: Business, Leadership, and Science Projects
Krystal Luna
Amy Stevens
Anderson Johnson
Moderators: Dr. Kristen DeCarli
Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen
Room: AC 212 (TAG)
We will describe our experience volunteering at Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen, and discuss the impact of food insecurity on child development. We will discuss the demographics of pantry users, what was provided, barriers, benefits and limitations as well as meeting the needs of people who face food insecurity.
Natasha Rivera
Natasha Irizarry
Alyssa Pastuszak
Moderators: Dr. Bonnie Pepper
The New Latin American Boom Should Not Exist
Room: AC 113 (TAG)
I will present a research paper from one of my classes with Dr. Atkins. The paper is originally written in Spanish, but it is about how lately people claim there is a new Latin American boom (a literary movement) but for women. In my paper, I argued that it shouldn't exist and instead rewrite the history of the movement and incorporate women where they belong.
Student Presenter: Arle Cruceta Garcia
Ana Lucia Gutierrez Gomez
Moderator: Kobéy Smith, MBA
Internship at Fairhaven Community Health Care
Room: AC 113 (TAG)
According to the USDA defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy life. As the community food and outreach coordinator, I was able to help the New Haven community, but especially the Fair Haven community. Here I had the opportunity to interact with people who suffer from food insecurity that is affecting their health and people who simply want to make a change in their diet.
Student Presenter: Arle Cruceta Garcia
Ana Lucia Gutierrez Gomez
Moderator: Kobéy Smith, MBA
Taking Part in Peace Leadership Workshops
Room: TAG Atrium
We will present areas that were covered in the workshop such as peacebuilding, conflict resolution styles, dimensions of conflict, leadership skills, violence spectrum, communication styles & listening/speaking skills. We will discuss the different modes of learning used in the workshop such as videos, surveys, reflection questions, journaling, discussion, role play/scenarios and physical exercises. We will demonstrate 2 of the modes used during the workshop.
Student Presenter: Bliss Weston
Mariah Mandulak
Ashley Medal
Hummi Mohammed
Taufick Aziz
Fedia Simon
Moderators: Sr. Cathy Buchanan and Daniel Hurley
Virtual Career & Internship Fair | 11:00AM - 1:00PM
Register for Fair via Handshake
Lunch | 11:30am - 2:00pm
FEATURED SESSION | 1:45pm - 2:30pm
Mock Presidential Debate
Room: BCR (Campus Center)
In this presentation, Charisma and Jaylein will present the research they conducted in World Politics this past fall. Using a critical analysis of the globalization of food, Charisma and Jaylein will analyze and discuss major themes that arise when trying to understand the phenomenon of globalization in our contemporary world.
Student Presenters: Students from Dr. Edward’s PO-112 class
Moderator: Ross Edwards & Eric Schoeck
POSTER SESSION | 2:30pm - 3:30pm
CAMPUS CENTER - Fireplace Lounge
Becoming a Certified Nurse
Taina Vargas
EMT School Experience
Zaporia Satterfield
Interning at the CAES: Complete Mosquito Genetics Processing
Caden Cloutier
Pop-Up Shop: Whipped Shea Nature's Moisturizer
Brittany Beans
Pop-Up Shop: AFTF Clothing
Joey Sicignano
Teaching Mutations & Biology at North Branford High School
Jonathan Moscato
Summer internship at CT Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES)
Naomi Allen
One Session at a Time: Experiential Learning and Peer Tutoring
Stephanie Santiago, Nicoletta Pellegrino, Charisma Prince, and Carter Brassington
CAMPUS CENTER - Behan Community Room
Drinks and snacks will be available
The day concludes with the ELD Awards Ceremony, where we will recognize and celebrate students who have completed exceptional work with experiential learning.
- Opening Prayer from Dr. Edward Dunar
- Welcome Remarks from Dr. Joshua Abreu
- Statement from President Marc Camille
- Presenting of ELD Awards to students
- Closing Remarks from Dr. Abreu
Teach-in Day sponsored by The Wellness Collaborative
Dominican Pillars of Prayer and Community
Celebrate teach-in day with workshops, hands-on activities, and presentations, that support personal growth and well-being, professional development, and the ability to make a positive difference in the world.
Tour Albertus’ beautiful campus and discuss helpful techniques to practice wellness – even on your busiest days.
Location: Behan Community Room.
Presented by the Office of Career and Professional Development.
Send messages of hope to families in need.
Melissa Shapiro, DVM and Piglet | 12:00PM - 1:30PM
Location: Behan Community Room
Challenge pre-existing notions and utilize unique competencies to define fulfilling
and personally significant journeys.
Then meet and take photos with Piglet – all in the Behan Community Room.
Piglet Zoom:
https://albertus-edu.zoom.us/j/86418919185?pwd=eHNwdjQ5QVhKWWRRTHA4NktGUmdNQT0 >
The Presentation: A Lifelong Dream Transformed with Dr. Melissa Shapiro
Adopting Piglet, a profoundly disabled puppy, had a resounding impact on the trajectory
Dr. Shapiro's professional and personal life. It also provided a fresh perspective
on her
work, encouraging her to re-evaluate and expand her long-term aspirations for her
veterinary career into new arenas.
Using the heartwarming story of Piglet as an inflection point in her own experience,
Dr. Shapiro hopes to inspire individuals and communities, including future generations,
Albertus Magnus students and alumni to challenge pre-existing career notions and utilize
their unique competencies and passions to define exciting, fulfilling, and personally
significant journeys.
Presenter Bio
Melissa Shapiro, DVM, is a small-animal veterinarian, author, speaker, and animal welfare advocate. She is the creator and driving force behind the social media phenomenon Piglet, the deaf blind pink puppy. Her nonprofit, Piglet International Inc., works to implement the Piglet Mindset® Educational Program, a self-developed teaching approach emphasizing resilience, inclusion, and empathy, in schools globally.
Piglet International Inc.
IG: @pinkpigletpuppy
Other important details:
All guests are invited to bring their lunch to the Behan Community Room for the presentation where tables will be available.
There will be a meet & greet with photos after the presentation.
Dr. Melissa Shapiro will be available to sign copies of her books so bring your copy.
The Human Resources Department is sponsoring a raffle for faculty and staff to win
a book!
The books can be purchased on Amazon using the following links:
Piglet the Unexpected Story of a Deaf, Blind, Pink Puppy and his Family book >
creating inspirational bracelets | 1:00PM - 2:00PM
Location: hallway outside BCR campus center
Creating Study Time | 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Location: Campus Center fireplace
Time to hit the books, catch up on your reading and other assignments. Join us sitting by the Hubert Campus Center fireplace.
The Fundamentals of Creating a Business | 3:30PM - 4:00PM
Location: Behan Community Room
Join us in the Behan Community Room and be inspired by Kobey Smith, Coordinator of
the Entrepreneurial Center.
A Mysticism of Creation | 5:30PM |
Location: Behan Community Room and Online
Hosted by Meister Eckhart Center and co-sponsored by the Wellness Collaborative
Sr. Pat Connick, O.P., scientist and educator, leads a workshop on spirituality and
science in the Behan Community Room and online. RSVP here: https://forms.gle/whchusBsvu2FiNS3A
Creating Your Personal Brand | 5:30 - 7:30PM
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Work with media expert and
entrepreneur, Sarah Barr, in the Tagliatela Atrium to learn how to present your best
Teach-In event on the Ukraine crisis
Teach-In event on the Ukraine crisis | 11AM and 5:30PM
Location: The Behan Community Room in the Hubert Campus Center
Wednesday, March 2nd the Albertus Community held a Teach-In event on the Ukraine crisis, as we stood in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
Do you have questions about the ever evolving Russian military invasion of Ukraine? Do you want to know where you can find up to date and reliable sources of information? Is the crisis making you feel scared, upset, or nervous? Do you want to learn if there is anything you can do to help the people of Ukraine?
Members of the Albertus faculty and staff hosted a teach-in on the Ukrainian crisis this Wednesday, March 2nd. Topics covered included: the historical context of Ukrainian/Russian relations, the Russian invasion and International Law, the current status of the invasion, how to test the reliability of news sources, mental health support, and suggestions for community action. We also had time for individual questions, and hopefully be able to help you make sense of this rapidly changing, and very frightening contemporary event.
The event took place twice during the day. Once from 11:00-12:30 and again from 5:30-7:00. Attendees were welcome to attend in person or use the zoom link to attend the talk virtually.
What: Teach-In on the Ukrainian crisis
Where: The Behan Community Room in the Hubert Campus Center
When: Wednesday, March 2nd from 11:00-12:30 and again from 5:30-7:00
Dr. Ross Edwards
On behalf of the Ukraine teach-in coordinating committee
Event Video
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Dedicated to the pillars of community, service, and study
MLK Day Prayer Service | 11AM
A service with prayers for social justice and reflection upon the words of Dr. King.
Sponsored by the Meister Eckhart Center and Dominican Ministries.
Dr. Lisa Beth Hill, Adjunct Professor of History of Albertus Magnus College, will
give the first virtual presentation highlighting the success and difficulties black
women activists faced for most of the twentieth century. New Haven and its contribution
to activism and activity surrounding civil rights will be a focal point of the talk.
From the Amistad to the Black panther trials, the city has been at the seat of controversy,
community, and collaboration. Many of the lessons of civic responsibility learned
from the women studied in this presentation are seemingly more prescient today than
Watch Event Video >
| 3:30PM
Dr. Kemi Fuentes-George, Associate Professor of Political Science at Middlebury College,
will give the second virtual presentation of the day. In his talk, he will argue that
traditional theories of International Relations are based on white supremacist ideas
about the nation-state and nonwhite people, and that these assumptions can be seen
reflected in classical music theory. In response, Pan-African political theory and
Pan-African music emerged in the 1900s to challenge these ideas. Dr. Fuentes-George
will discuss how considering alternative forms of knowledge production, such as music,
can help point the way toward a decolonized future.
Watch Event Video >
In addition to the MLK teach-in day events, a virtual tour and talk with a docent from the National Museum of African American History and Culture will be conducted on **Tuesday, January 18th at 1:00 p.m**. A description of the tour is as follows: Virtual visitors have an opportunity to engage in a conversational journey with a museum docent. You’ll discover how identity, politics, and creativity are articulated through African American performance, music, cultural expressions, and the visual arts. We will explore the ways African Americans have harnessed these elements to fuel social change while creating a vibrant culture that extends to the African Diaspora.
**Please note this event will be rescheduled for later in the Spring semester.**
Both talks are sponsored by the Albertus Magnus College Urban Studies Program and the Department of History and Political Science.
Experiential Learning Day
Dominican Pillars of Study & Community
During this annual celebration, students share their research and internship and service
learning experiences with the larger College community. Participation in this event
serves to inspire students to expand their scope of knowledge by engaging in the practical
application of their coursework. The day concludes with an awards ceremony where students
with exceptional experiential learning projects are recognized and celebrated. This
year, the Office of Career & Professional Development will host a virtual career and
internship fair for two hours during ELD. Approximately 100 organizations will participate,
offering one-on-one ten-minute appointments and thirty-minute general presentations.
Participants will be required to register for the event the day before, and details
regarding the event will be posted in Handshake.

Coffee, Snacks & Welcome Address |
8:30AM - 9:05AM
Tagliatela Academic Center (TAG)
We will start the day with registering students through Handshake at the registration table located near the main entrance of the TAG Academic Center. Food and drinks will be available for all. ELD program will be available via QR Code, which will take attendees to the ELD website. Dr. Joshua Abreu, CTLE Director, will provide a welcome statement and review the day’s program.
Visitors and students without meal plans can receive a lunch ticket at no cost.
Breakout Session #1 | 9:10AM - 9:50AM
Inclusivity in Writing
Room: AC 113 (TAG)
The leaders of the Germain Center will present on the use of appropriate language in writing pertaining to race and ethnicity, LGBTQ+ issues, ability, and mental health. It is important to update students and staff on the use of inclusive language in writing as terminology and proper writing etiquette changes frequently. This information will provide a better sense of community and support for members of Albertus Magnus College.
Student Presenters:
Amina Khokhar, Erin Cunningham, Michelle Porrazzo, Charisma Prince, & Nicoletta Pellegrino
Moderator: Natalie DeVaull-Robichaud
Birth of a Community: Learning Through Connection
Room: AC 117 (TAG)
A brief history of the MAATC-Student Organization as a response to COVID, its impact on students, and art as a means of connection. A discussion on how students worked together to support each other and their community.
Student Presenters:
Robyn Levine, Andrew Castillo, Marissa Ferrao, Eric Capitao, Rebekah Levy, & Rebecca Weinberger
Moderator: Earl McCoy Jr.
Breakout Session #2 | 10:00AM - 10:45am
Food Insecurity in the Time of Covid-19: Implications for the Child Development
Room: AC 113 (TAG)
Students will present on their semester-long service learning class project about food insecurity and its impact on children and their development.
Student Presenters:
Peyton Davis, Nathaly Duchimaza, Olivia Hauer, Ariana Martin, Erin Molkenthin, Kiara Pabon, Sara Pearson, Emily Perez, Katherine Reynolds, Keegan Riccio, Breanna Salvidar, & Mashia Robinson
Moderator: Dr. Bonnie Pepper
Pedro Piertri, Labor and The Boricua
Room: AC 117 (TAG)
In this presentation, Felix lasers in on the Nuyo-Rican culture, and the literary stylings of Puerto Rican poet Pedro Piertri. Felix will provide an analysis of his epic poem Puerto Rican Obituary. Themes of discrimination, the cost of assimilation, and the work-life balance in the United States are discussed.
Student Presenter: Felix Rodriguez
Moderator: Dr. Christine Atkins
A Guide to Spanish & Latin American Film of the 20th & 21st Centuries
Room: AC 117 (TAG)
Mark Kacyrat will present their multimedia project in Google Sites, coalescing information, analysis, and critiques of the film of Spain and numerous Latin American countries. There is emphasis on the filmmakers, their work's artistic merit, and the social and historical forces that shaped the making of the films.
Student Presenter: Mark Kacyrat
Moderator: Dr. Christine Atkins
Sex, Discrimination & the Sciences
Room: AC 212 (TAG)
Timothy Jaglal will present an overview of sexual harassment and discrimination in science since the publication of the landmark 1999 MIT Report.
Student Presenter: Timothy Jaglal
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Dealy
Juvenile Incarceration: What are the Alternatives?
Room: AC 212 (TAG)
Kate Bergamo will present their research on juvenile incarceration and potential alternatives. Kate proposes and advocates for a couple alternative programs that have shown to be more effective than incarceration in regards to recidivism, mental health and reintegration into society.
Student Presenter: Kate Bergamo
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Dealy
Antisocial Personality & the Criminal Justice System
Room: AC 212 (TAG)
Nichelle Jordan will present on Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and the lack of treatment/ intervention methods. Nichelle will talk about its prevalence, the contributing factors, its link to the CJ system and possible treatments and interventions.
Student Presenter: Nichelle Jordan
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Dealy
Virtual Career & Internship Fair | 11:00AM - 1:00PM
Register for Fair via Handshake
Lunch | 11:15AM - 2:00PM
Looking Closer into the Honors Program Projects
Room: AC 113 (TAG)
Honors Program students will present their honors projects from the Fall ‘21 term and present on what they learned through their research and writing and how it has benefitted them both academically and personally.
Student Presenters & Projects:
How religion relates to the postmodern world (our world)
Annie Dymarczyk
Data Security and Collection in the Financial Industry
Lucas Ehlrich & Doug Johnson
Designing the Falcon Forum
Andrew Foster Jr.
The Sandinistas: A Debated Revolution
Carter Brassington
Moderators: Dr. Jon Sozek & Dr. Kristen DeCarli
Make-A-Wish Internship
Room: AC 117 (TAG)
Le’Nina Williams will tell the story of what led them to their internship at Make-A-Wish Foundation and describe their experience working on the Development and Program team.
Student Presenter: Le'Nina Williams
Moderator: Earl McCoy Jr.
Internship as a Pharmacy Technician
Room: AC 117 (TAG)
Nhi Trinh will speak about their motivation to intern as a pharmacy tech and discuss the knowledge and skills they obtained through this internship.
Student Presenter: Nhi Trinh
Moderator: Earl McCoy Jr.
Cycles of Death, Decay, & Renewal
Room: TAG Atrium
An exhibition of black & white photographs that focus on the fragile reality of existence. This manifests through images within the natural world, such as decaying vegetation, and weathering rocks. It also manifests through images depicting interaction of the natural world and passage of time on human made structures. Finally, there are visual metaphors on the reality of a person's lifetime and inevitable death.
Student Presenter: Mark Kacyrat
Important Note: The photography will be on display throughout the whole day. Mark will be available to provide commentary on their work except during Breakout Session #2.
Understanding Globalization Through Food
Room: TAG Atrium
In this presentation, Charisma and Jaylein will present the research they conducted in World Politics this past fall. Using a critical analysis of the globalization of food, Charisma and Jaylein will analyze and discuss major themes that arise when trying to understand the phenomenon of globalization in our contemporary world.
Watch Event Live (Blue Jeans) >
Student Presenters: Charisma Prince & Jaylein Piekarski
Poetry from Juliana Bertrand
Moderator: Dr. Ross Edwards
CAMPUS CENTER - Dominical Ministry Hallway Area
Connecticut Agricultural Experimental Station
Tristan Smith & Caden Cloutier
Public Health College Corps Internship
Devonte Letts
Obtaining My Certified Nursing Assistant Certificate
Nayelli Garcia
Online Learning: Social Media Content Creation - Canva 101
Hannah Hayes
Internship Experience at a Veterinary Clinic
Anakaren Zempoalteca
Internship at Alphabet Academy
Cara Dominello
Mental Health in Higher Education Faculty Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stephanie Hribko
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health Symptomatology of a General College Student
Rafael Lee Castro Jr.
Internship at Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic
Nicole Hyatt
Interning in a Hospital Emergency Room
Jenitza Irizarry
Overview and Insights into Victimology
Kelly Musante
CAMPUS CENTER - Behan Community Room
Drinks and snacks will be available
The day concludes with the ELD Awards Ceremony, where we will recognize and celebrate students who have completed exceptional work with experiential learning.
- Opening Prayer from Dr. Edward Dunar
- Welcome Remarks from Dr. Joshua Abreu
- Statement from President Marc Camille
- Statement from V.P. of Academic Affairs Dr. Sean O’ Connell
- Presenting of ELD Awards to students
- A Conversation with ELD presenter & award recipient Katherine Bergamo
- Closing Remarks from Dr. Abreu
Service Day
Dominican Pillars of Service and Community
Service Day provides an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to live out the community's commitment to its mission through engaging in outward action dedicated to the common good. The day is meant to foster a spirit of service in all members of the community. ("You are the hands through which He blesses all the world..." Theresa of Avila)
Albertus Mind, Body, Spirit Teach-In Day: Care of the Self: Mind, Body, Spirit
Dominican Pillars of Prayer and Community
This year, Academic Affairs sponsored teach-in days spanning the academic year. The
first teach-in day was on November 3rd entitled, "Care of the Self: Mind, Body, Spirit."
Albertus’. The newly established Wellness Collaborative took the lead in providing
experiential programming that celebrates the Dominican pillars. The day focused on
the eight dimensions of wellness that the Collaborative was established to promote:
emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social,
and spiritual.
A highlight of the day was a workshop by Mr. Bryant Joyner, M.S.W.
Campus Morning Walk | 9am - 9:45am
Description: Join us for some mindful sightseeing around campus. We will tour some beautiful spaces and discuss helpful techniques to practice wellness even on your busiest days!
Hosted by: Residential Life and Health & Wellness
Location: Meet up at Tabs on Deck
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Physical, Social, Environmental, Spiritual
Trivia | 10:00am - 11:30am
Description: Team Trivia open to everyone! Test your knowledge and gain bragging rights with your friends, professors, and co-workers! Categories may include: History, Sports, Music, Movies, Science, Arts, Literature, Food, Drink, and Wellness!
Register your Team to play. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Hosted by: The Wellness Collaborative and Academic Affairs
Location: Dining Hall, 2nd Floor of The Hubert Campus Center
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Social, Intellectual
Know What You Owe! | 10am - 2pm
Description: Stop by to learn who your loan servicer is, how much in loans you have taken out, and get tips on how to renew your financial aid! Free t-shirt for the first 50 students who participate in the "Know What You Owe" activity!
Hosted by: Financial Aid
Time: 10am - 2pm
Location: 1st Floor of The Hubert Campus Center
Audience: Students
Dimensions of Wellness: Financial
Art Therapy Program | 11:30am - 1:30pm
Description: Occupational wellness is related to our attitudes about our work and making use of our gifts, talents, and skills. The Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling Student Organization (MAATC-SO) invites all to join them in creating occupational affirmation collage stones to keep as a token reminder of wellness in the workplace.
Hosted by: MAATC- SO
Location: Campus Center Living Room
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Emotional, Occupational
Prayer with Preaching | 12pm
Description: In celebration of the Feast of St. Martin de Porres, Dominican Saint and servant to God's poor, we honor his legacy through preaching and prayer. Come join us for a reflection on the life and mission of St. Martin de Porres and share in a space of prayerful reflection, as we meditate on the ways we can be more committed to justice and compassion in the 21st century.
Hosted By: Dominican Ministries and Service
Location: Chapel
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Spiritual
Startup 101: How to Start your Own Business | 12:30 - 1:15pm
Description: A basic introduction to the fundamentals of starting your own business.
Hosted by: Career and Professional Development
Location: BCR
Audience: Students
Dimensions of Wellness: Occupational, Financial, Intellectual
I've Got my first credit card, so now what? | 1:15 - 2pm
Description: Establishing credit is an important part of our financial future. It can be used to help secure loans when buying a car, starting a business, or eventually buying a house. In this workshop, Webster Bank will explore topics, which include understanding types of credit; establishing and using credit; repairing poor credit; ordering and reading a credit report; learning how credit scores are calculated, and so much more! There will be time for Q&A and some free Webster Bank swag.
Hosted by: Webster Bank
Location: TAC 113
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Financial, Intellectual
Art Therapy / ED Workshop: Title " Transparent-See: Authentic Body Image Exercise | 1 - 2pm
Description: Discover your most authentic and healthy body expression through an art based exercise.
Hosted by: Health & Wellness
Location: Campus center living room
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Emotional, Physical
Key elements of recovery from traumatic experiences for diverse populations. | 2 - 3pm
Description: This is a conversation about trauma-informed recovery processes intended to address mental health symptoms and deficits at the individual, systematic, and policy levels. The discussion will establish a background understanding of the causes, symptoms, and effects of mental health trauma for diverse populations, address systematic deficits, and provide practical tools and resources for recovery that can be implemented by individuals, organizations, and policy advocates. This presentation will be recorded but the following discussion will not be.
Speaker: Bryant Joyner
Hosted by: The Wellness Collaborative, Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership, Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
Location: Virtual, streaming in BCR
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Emotional, Physical, Intellectual
Exhale | 3:30 - 4:15pm
Description: Focused on ways to decrease stress in your everyday life. This workshop will help you: gain a new perspective on stress and understand how it can work for you; learn how to build healthy habits around stretching by using your everyday activities; and set up a relaxing workspace at home. Presented by Fitstyle by Shana https://www.fitstylebyshana.com/workshops.
Hosted by: Human Resources
Location: TAC
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Occupational
Weeding and Planting Garden Activity | 3 - 4pm
Description: Spring planting and summer harvesting might be a ways off, but we need to get the garden ready for the winter. This means weeding the beds, planting a few things that will over-winter and getting everything ready for next year. So come on out for some physical activity, fresh autumn air and good company.
Hosted by: Academic Affairs
Location: Community Gardens
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Environmental, Physical, Spiritual, Emotional
How to Write a Paper in a Short Amount of Time | 4Pm
Description: Germain Center tutors will provide helpful tips on how to quickly plan, draft, and complete an essay.
Hosted by: The Germain Center for Academic Success
Location: Rosary Hall, 2nd floor Room 38
Audience: Students
Dimensions of Wellness: Intellectual
Flu Clinic | 11am - 1pm
Description: Get your annual flu vaccine! Regular and high dose vaccines are available. Bring your insurance card with you. Appointments are not required. Read the CDC's FAQs about this year's flu vaccine.
Hosted by: Rite Aid and Health & Wellness
Location: 2nd floor of Hubert Campus Center outside the Health Clinic
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Physical
Walk at Home Class | 6:30-7 pm
Description: A low impact, multi muscle, calorie burning, fun, walking based workout, with very effective results! The music is paced so 15 minutes signifies the time (speed/pace) of most miles...an average pace of 4 mph. Move in different directions in the comfort of your own home and cover almost 2-miles. Walking/tennis shoes recommended. Designed for all fitness levels. Presented by Fitstyle by Shana https://www.fitstylebyshana.com/workshops.
Hosted by: Human Resources
Location: Virtual
Audience: All
Dimensions of Wellness: Physical, Occupational, Emotional
Service Day
Dominican Pillars of Service and Community
On this day of service, students, faculty, and staff were invited to participate in a variety of community service opportunities. The Annual Service Day in 2021 was a community outdoor clean up. Students, faculty, and staff did outdoor cleanup for local partner organizations and community green spaces in the New Haven area. Our Service Day actions not only help our local community, but allow us to engage in the beauty of God’s created world.
Experiential Learning Day
Dominican Pillar of Study
On this 11th anniversary of Experiential Learning Day, students shared their experiential learning
accomplishments in the form of talks; posters; and visual, written, or performing
More About Experiential Learning Day
Download the Experiential Day Viewing Guide (PDF)
For Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Platform: Video Welcome
Session Theme: Sustaining Ourselves and Our Relationships
For Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Platform: YouTube
Master's Thesis Research/Capstone
April Sozanski '21, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling Program
Comparing the Effects of Abstract and Realistic Self-Portraits on the Self-Esteem
of Adolescent Women
Master's Thesis Research/Capstone
Katrina Casey '21, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling
Internal Family Systems: A Bold New Direction in Psychotherapy
Albi Beshi '21; Graduate; MSCC; clinical counseling, mental health track;
My Internship Experience at EASTCONN: A Special Educational Program
Heather Plourde '20, and '22, Human Services Evening Program
For Better or Worse: Relationships in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Volunteer Research Assistant
Jennifer Castelot '20, Psychology
Session Theme: Learning to Support Communities
For Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Platform: YouTube
Food Insecurity in the New Haven Area and How it Affects Child Development
Class Research Project
Janelle Franklin '23, Psychology
Amanda McGeehan '23, Psychology
Abigail Cote
Cara Dominello
Mya Ginsburg
Hispanas Build: A Program of High-Impact Projects that Promote Entrepreneurship among
Service/Service Learning Project
Ana Lucia Gutierrez '23, Healthcare Management, Minor in Data Analysis and Urban Studies
My Experiences of Studying Abroad during the COVID Outbreak
Study Abroad
Gabrielle Rivera '21, Psychology/Art Therapy
Le'Nina Williams '22, Business Management, Minor in Biology
My Experience Interning at Fish & Loaves: A Community Food Pantry
Jamie Owens '21
Internship Highlight Video from My Experience at Stonington Institute
Undergraduate: Day, Health Care Management major, 2021
Live Highlight Session: Sustainbility on the Albertus Campus |
11:00 - 11:45am
For Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Platform: BlueJeans
Campus Infrastructure
Class Research Project
Zacharia Ouladelhadjahmed '23, Criminal Justice
Karissa Kerrs '23, Criminal Justice
Toward an Ecologically Integrated Campus
Service Learning Project
Ryan Herpy '23, Political Science
Session Theme: Adapting to an Evolving World
For Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Platform: YouTube
Racism in the Mental Health World
Class Research Project
Lillian Woods '23, Psychology with a concentration in Art Therapy
Doug Johnson '23, Finance, Minor in CIS
My Internship Experience at WORK_SPACE Manchester: An Art and Commercial Space
Mina Khokhar '22, Art Management
How We Successfully Landed an Internship
Jessica Reid '22, Health Care Management and Accounting
Gillian Kashuba '22, Finance and Accounting
My Internship Experience At the Women and Family Center: Sexual Assault Crisis Unit
Madison LaBossiere '22, Psychology with a concentration in Mental Health and Counseling
Session Theme: Succeeding in the MiDst of Uncertainties
For Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Platform: YouTube
Aerosol Modeling Internship
Andrew McGovern '21, Biology and Chemistry
The Effects of Covid-19 on Metal Health
Class Research Project
Nicoletta Pellegrino '24, Psychology, Minor in Criminology
Peace at Home Parenting Internship
Skylar Miller '21
Nichelle Jordan '22
Katherine Bergamo '22
MAATC Student Organization: Creating Connections
Student Club Work
Emily Scranton '21, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling
Courtney Duff '21, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling
Caroline Heilbroner-Hammel '21, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling
Marsha Placide '22, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling
Marissa Ferrao '22, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling
Andrew Castillo '22, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling
Robyn Levine '22, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling
Session Theme: Providing Alternative Outlets for Creativity and Learning
For Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Platform: YouTube
My Internship Experience at the Wallingford Police Department
Nicholas Miller '21, Criminal Justice, concentration in Law Enforcement
Thesis: Superhero Resiliency Art Assessment
Master's Thesis Research/Capstone
Caroline Heilbroner-Hammel '21, Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling
Time well spent; Experiences as a Research Assistant
Volunteer Research Assistant
Michelle Swiantek '21, Clinical Counseling
Jennifer Castelot '20, Psychology
Alexis Ravis '22, Psychology
Jonny's Jara-Silva '22, Psychology/Mental Health
Haitian Revolution Project
Discussion/Class Research Project
Naomi Allen '24, Health Science, Minor in Spanish
Chisunta Chikwamu '24, Mathematics
Spoken Word Poem & Follow-up Interview
Discussion/Class Research Project
Amanda Stetson '23, English, Teacher Prep Program
Jillian Haggerty '23, Art Therapy
Bliss Weston '22, Psychology, Art Therapy concentration
Live Highlight Session: Spring 2020 Habitat for Humanity Trip |
2:00pm - 2:45pm
For Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Platform: BlueJeans
Service/Service Learning Project
Jasmine Jones '23, Biology & Math
Crisbeth Castaneda '23, Chemistry & Math
Arooba Sholmiyet '23, Business Management & Accounting
(AWARD CEREMONY) | 3:00PM - 4:00PM
For Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Platform: BlueJeans
Watch Event Video >
After the student presentations, an Awards Ceremony was held to recognize and celebrate
students who have excelled in internships, service, research and creative arts. At
the Awards Ceremony, a special acknowledgement of Dr. Hilda Speicher was made, who
recently retired and dedicated much energy and time in developing Experiential Learning
Day (ELD) as a vital component of an Albertus Magnus College education.
- Statements from President Dr. Marc Camille and Vice President Dr. Sean O' Connell
- Prayer from Dr. Jon Sozek, Assistant Professor of Religion
- Welcome Statement from Dr. Joshua Abreu, new Director of Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) and coordinator of ELD
- Recognition of ELD Award Recipients and a conversation with one of the winners, Molly D'Andrea
- Closing musical performance by the Albertus Magnus College Chorus
Stations of the Cross: Bursting Compassion into the World
Dominican Pillar of Prayer
A day of reflection and prayer, Campus Ministry lead the College in a commemoration
of the 14 Stations of the Cross. Participants were invited to walk and pray stopping
at each station to remember with compassion those suffering in our world.
Tuesday, March 30 (rain date – March 31) | 3:30PM
Platform: In person, and Zoom. The community met in front of Rosary Hall to begin
the Stations. Due to COVID this live event wass limited to the Albertus community.
All can view the recorded version.
Good Friday, April 2 | 11:00AM
Please note March 30 is a class day and April 2 is a non-class day.
Platform: In person, and Zoom. Meet in front of Rosary Hall to begin the Stations.
Due to COVID this live event is limited to the Albertus community. All can view the
recorded version.
Designing Your Life for Success!
Dominican Pillars of Study and Community
The goal of this full-day virtual event was to think creatively about your future with new possibilities, paths, and options to be successful. The day included panel presentations, discussions, networking with alumni and career professionals, as well as a Career and Internship Fair.
Welcome | 9:45AM
For Students & Alumni
Platform: Video Welcome
Welcome to the Designing Your Life For Success Teach-in Day from
Marc M. Camille, Ed.D., President, Albertus Magnus College
DISCLAIMER: These events will be recorded. By clicking into an event you are giving consent to be recorded. Please do not share Personally Identifiable Information. If you are not able to participate in an event, the recording will be made available after for viewing.
Zoom Workshops | 10:00 - 10:45 am
For Students & Alumni
Platform: Zoom
What are effective salary negotiation skills for women?
Nationally, women are often hired at a lower salary when entering a new career. This
workshop will discuss key negotiation skills needed to achieve equity in your paycheck.
Career Conversations with athletes
A discussion about what transferable skills are learned as a college athlete that
can be used in securing a job.
Career Conversations with Criminal Justice & Law Professionals
Career Conversations with Business Professionals
Watch Event Video >Virtual Career & Internship Fair | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
For Students & Alumni
Platform: Handshake
Join your fellow classmates and employers at the Virtual Career & Internship Fair.
Zoom Workshops | 1:15 - 2:00 pm
For Students & Alumni
Platform: Zoom
What opportunities are available on campus to be a leader and build your resume?
So, I cannot list my high school activities on my resume? Take advantage of your four
years in college because that will be the four years needed to land a job out of college.
College is your opportunity to hone your skills through involvement and engagement
with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate and hone your skills. If you cannot
something, you have the ability and resources to create something all your own, and
will assist you!
How do I market myself for the future using social media?
Learn about how your social media presence is impacting your professional future.
Gain knowledge on the Dos and Don'ts of social media that will help you attract potential
What are the rules and regulations for international students and employment in the
International students must maintain their status by following immigration regulations.
Learn how you can work in the US legally and what steps are required. On-campus employment,
internships, and full-time employment will all be covered.
What is it like to be a Person of Color in a professional work environment?
Have you ever wanted to know what might be some challenges and struggles you might
face as a Person of Color? Join this session where we take a closer look at what it
truly means to walk in a Person of Color shoes as a professional in today's work environment.
Zoom Workshops | 2:15 - 3:00 PM
For Students & Alumni
Platform: Zoom
What challenges do people face in hiring based on their gender identity or expression?
Are you ready to join the job market? This can be a stressful process and can be extra
challenging if you identify as transgender or non-binary. This workshop will discuss
ways to overcome the anxiety and challenges of applying, interviewing, getting hired,
and working at a job when your gender identity or expression does not fall into the
“norms” (or "expectations") of society.
Career Conversations with Sport Management Professionals
Career Conversations with Art & Communications Professionals
Career Conversations with STEM Professionals
Zoom Workshops | 4:30 - 5:15 PM
For Students & Alumni
Platform: Zoom
How do you make a transition to a new career using professional skills?
What are the most important skills needed to make a career change after graduation?
Career Conversations with Education Professionals
Career Conversations with Psychology and Human Services Professionals
Career Conversations with Sociology Professionals
Wellness Day: Mind, Body & Spirit
Dominican Pillars of Prayer and Community
The day consisted of workshops, demonstrations, and talks designed to address a variety
of health and wellness topics.
Be in the Know! Vaping: Know the Risks | 10:00 - 11:00AM
Presentation on vaping rates, health risks, and how larger companies market to vulnerable
populations followed by a Q & A.
Presenter: Victoria Adams
For Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni
Platform: Zoom Presentation, followed by Q & A
Synchronous Programming Around Campus:
(pop in to one or all!)
Doodle, Relax, Repeat
Experience zen while creating beautiful patterned art! The process of zentangle supports
relaxation and focus through drawing patterns within structured designs. Everyone
will walk away with their own unique & beautiful art! No experience necessary.
Presenters: Robyn Levine
For Students, Faculty & Staff
Platform: Zoom
Location: BCR
“Dough” Not Stress
Take a break and learn some stress relieving techniques using playdough.
Presenter: Marissa Persico
For Students, Faculty & Staff
Platform: Zoom
Location: Fireplace Room of Campus Center
Virtual Stress Buster - Vibe Catchers
Take a break to change your vibe in a fun artistic activity to help manage stress.
No skill is needed!
For Students, Faculty & Staff
Presenter: MAATC- SO Student Organization
Platform: Zoom LIVE
Virtual Discussion with Shalita Sampson, LCSW: Mental Health Stigma/Beliefs and other barriers for a person of color. | 12:30 - 1:30PM
Explore the various stigma, beliefs and barriers that POC face when seeking mental
health treatment.
Presenter: Shalita Sampson
For Students, Faculty & Staff
Platform: Zoom presentation followed by Q & A
Black Lives Black Lungs | 2:00 - 3:30PM
A 30 minute documentary followed by a panel discussion about how the tobacco industry
targets Black communities and other vulnerable populations.
For Students, Faculty & Staff
Platform: Zoom with breakout rooms immediately following documentary showing
Getting Honest About Vaping | 5:00 - 6:00PM
Join your fellow classmates in an honest conversation about your thoughts and feelings
about smoking and vaping. Judgement free zone!
Presenter: Victoria Adams
For Students
Platform: Zoom, plus spinwheel
Music Connection | 6:00 - 7:00PM
Join Music Therapist Matthew Hennessey for a zoom workshop to discuss the benefits
of music, along with how music therapy can benefit your overall health and help build
interpersonal connections.
Presenter: Matthew Hennessy
For Students, Faculty & Staff
Platform: Zoom
Wellness Day: Pet Therapy Event
Rescheduled due to weather
Pet Therapy | 11:00AM- 12:30PM
Come meet Laura and Stevie our amazing therapy dog! Event requires registration.
Presenter: Laura Way from My Way Goldens
For Students, Faculty & Staff
Platform: In person
Location: Fireplace Room in the Campus Center