A message from Joseph R. Crespo, Chair of the Board of Trustees
As chair of the College’s Board of Trustees, I write to inform you that President Julia M. McNamara has made the decision to retire on June 30, 2016. Dr. McNamara has made countless contributions and she has truly impacted our entire community. Her legacy of growth and leadership is a blessing for Albertus. Dr. McNamara will be available to the campus and assist with the transition for the new president for a year following her retirement.
The Board of Trustees at its September 18 meeting voted to confer on her the honorary title of president emerita.
Dr. McNamara joined the College as a faculty member while pursuing and completing doctoral studies in French Literature at Yale University, and later became dean of students at Albertus. She has been an inspiration to the entire Albertus community and to the many organizations she has served over the years in the Greater New Haven community and beyond. Her commitment, leadership and dedication to this College and its mission of service have impacted the lives of thousands of students and their families.
Under her leadership, Albertus has thrived and built upon its Dominican heritage and liberal arts foundation. During her presidency, there have been a significant number of accomplishments: transition to coeducation; expansion of accelerated programs for working adults; expansion of academic program delivery to include online, blended, FLEX and traditional classroom experience; and the establishment of 10 master’s programs, including the Master of Arts in Art Therapy, the only program of its kind in Connecticut. Also during these years, the College completed the expansion and construction of several campus facilities, including the Tagliatela Academic Center, the Cosgrove Marcus Messer Athletic Center, the Celentano turf field, and the transition of Rosary Hall − the College’s foundation building − from traditional library to state-of-the-art learning center. Renovations to Aquinas Hall provided additional space for the Devaney Lecture Hall and Bree Common.
I am also pleased to report that Jeanne M. Dennison, a graduate of the Albertus class of 1978 and member of the Board of Trustees since 1999, has been elected by the Trustees to chair the board, effective November 13, 2015. As the board chair, Ms. Dennison will also lead the search committee for Dr. McNamara’s successor. The committee will reflect our College community, including a representative from the Dominican Sisters of Peace, faculty, administrators, Board members, alumni and others. Following an inclusive process of discernment and dialogue with various Albertus constituencies, the committee will make its recommendations to the Board of Trustees in spring 2016.
During the months ahead, we shall keep the Albertus community informed regarding the progress in our search for a new leader to move Albertus Magnus College successfully into the future. I know that you all join me in recognizing the exceptional contributions that Dr. McNamara has made to the College over the last three and a half decades. I am confident that there will be numerous opportunities to express our lasting gratitude for her service.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph R. Crespo
Chair of the Board of Trustees