90 More Years: Week of Giving

September 21, through Friday, September 25, Albertus Magnus College is inviting the entire community of alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, and friends to participate in a first-ever Week of Giving. As we celebrate the College's 90th anniversary year, this fundraising campaign encourages the community to give a gift to ensure 90 more years of Albertus academic, athletic and student life by contributing to the College's Annual Fund. Our goal is to bring together the largest number of contributors during one week, in the history of the College.

For the Week of Giving, the dollar amount is not what matters – what matters is the number of people who make an investment in Albertus to help propel the College forward and into the next 90 years. We encourage gifts of $19.25 in honor of the founding year of the College, $90 recognizing this special milestone or any and all amounts in between and beyond. Gifts can be made at albertus.edu/weekofgiving.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, repost/retweet, send us your photos to be featured online and win prizes for participation. We encourage you to spread the word by using #AlbertusWeekofGiving and #90YearsAtAlbertus. Join these and other Falcons as we honor the past, the present and the future of Albertus Magnus College.