Albertus Magnus College Commencement 2019

Albertus Magnus College Commencement 2019 - Photo Album

Meet our Graduates

Laurel Awards

During the Laurel Ceremony, the College honors its newest graduates and celebrates their degree achievements. At this ceremony special awards are distributed and honor society inductees are recognized. Student speakers from each of the College’s divisions and one faculty member will address the audience.

Laurel Awards Recipients

Irwin Siegel Memorial (For Excellence in Business)

Fernando Hernandez

Walsh Family Memorial (Science)

Karla Aponte-Roque

June Veckerelli Memorial (Science)

Stephanie-Lynne Latella

Sister Mary Carmel Sullivan Memorial (Mathematics)

Morgan A. Gigliotti

Sister Rita Mary Memorial ( All Around Albertus Magnus College Person)

Alicia Vitagliano

Cynthia Woodin Cross Award for Academic Excellence in Humanities

Alyssa Cruz

The Ellen Bree Burns '44S Award for Academic Excellence (Criminal Justice)

Marc Masciantonio

The Mary Benevento Memorial Award

Student Athlete with sound mind and body

Michael Browne

Wall Street Journal Award

Matthew Fuget

English Achievement Award

Sarah Elanaya

Sister Charles Marie Brantl Award For Excellence in Business Administration and Management

Kahla Schumacher

The Tammi Ringuette Award for Academic Excellence

Shayla Gladden

Psychology Award for Academic Excellence (Day)

Ashley Irvine

Psychology Award for Academic Excellence (Evening)

Samantha Dunbar

Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in the Master of Science in Human Services Program

Paris O'Banner
Jocelyn Rayas

Award for Outstanding Capstone Research in the Master of Science in Human Services Program

Manouchka Dhaity

Award for Excellence in Internship in the Undergraduate Human Services Program

Michael Hall

Award for Excellence in Internship in the Master of Science in Human Services Program

Sharon Gentles
Shanice Williams

MAATC Award for Creativity in Arts-Based Learning

Amelia Passacantando

MAATC Award for Excellence in Research

Kirstin Auer

MAATC Award for Excellence in Clinical Internship

Eric Longley

MAATC Award for Academic Excellence

Aly Sklenarik

Graduate Leadership Programs Award for Leadership Excellence

Sr. Jacinta Ibe

The Beverly Chieffo Award for Excellent Achievement in Art

Raegan Honyotski
Alyssa Cruz

The Bruce Sinkey Award for Excellence in Art

Maxim Schmidt

Mary Etta Knapp (English)

Catherine Ford

English Award for Academic Excellence

Sheridan McNamara

Department of Business Adminstration and Management Awards:

Award for Academic Achievement in Accounting - Traditional Undergraduate Program - Taylor Boynton
Award for Academic Achievement in Accounting - ADP Program - Sarah Burgess
Award for Academic Achievement in Finance - Traditional Undergraduate Program - Ryan Clark
Award for Academic Achievement in Finance - ADP Program - Dorothy Wands
Award for Academic Achievement in Computer Information Systems - Richard Jeffrey Scott
Award for Academic Achievement in Computer Information Systems - Muhammad Hossain
Award for Academic Achievement in Business Management - Traditional Undergraduate Program - Eliannie Sola
Award for Academic Achievement in Business Management - ADP Program - Stephen Sheiffele
Award for Academic Achievement in Health Care Management - Traditional Undergraduate Program - Michael Donarumo
Award for Academic Achievement in Health Care Management - ADP Program - Ava Artaiz
Award for Academic Achievement in Sport Management - Traditional Undergraduate Program - Anthony Franco
Award for Academic Achievement in the MBA Program - Ronald Monge
Award for Academic Achievement in the MSA Program - Deborah Kavanaugh

Award for Excellence in Internship in the Master of Science in Human Services Program

Emilie Faussett
Jerome Lorde

Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in the Master of Science in Human Services Program

Ruth Clifford
Angela Jackson

Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in the Undergraduate Human Services Program

Emily Gallagher

Award for Excellence in Internship in the Undergraduate Human Services Program

Glendrea Bember

MAAT Award for Creativity in Research

MA Marissa (Kim) Rivera

MAAT Award for Excellence in Research

Hope Boeve

MAAT Award for Excellence in Clinical Internship

Malley Chapman
Molly Keeler

The Bruce Sinkey Award for Excellence in Art

Taylor Chamberlin

The Beverly Chieffo Award for Excellent Achievement in Art

Meaghan Heeks

Dennis J. O’Connor Special Recognition Award

Toccarra Thomas

Richard Hennessey Award

Torria Austin

Writing Center Tutoring Excellence Award

Shante Chatfield
Carly Ross
Dan Constantinidi
Julia Nucolo
Esther Hartzell

Education Programs Awards:

Demonstration of commitment to teaching the skills of careful research and argumentative writing within the context of the study of history - Daniel Constantinidi
Excellence in educational research and clinical practice - Esther Hartzell
Demonstration of excellence in content knowledge and clinical practice, and in the ability to advocate for governmental education funding - Sheridan McNamara
Excellence in knowledge of and commitment to teaching mathematics, awarded in memory of the late Betsy Carter of Hamden Public Schools, Respected Leader in Mathematics Instruction in CT - Wendy Paul
Excellence in educational research and clinical practice - Jessica Ritacco
Excellence in dispositioons, knowledge, and pedagogical skills - Carly Ross
Demonstration of ability to adapt to various approaches to teaching world languages - Megan Thornton

Class Marshalls (students graduating with highest GPA in Bachelor program)
All 6 Marshalls have a 4.0 this year

Taylor Chamberlain
Genavave DeSisto
Meaghan Heeks
Sheridan McNamara
Jessica Ritacco
Richard Jeffrey Scott

Honors Program

The Honors Program offers participating students the opportunity to enroll in designated honors courses and to develop individual projects designed in consultation with faculty mentors. To graduate from the Honors Program, a student must have a minimum cumulative 3.7 G.P.A.

Taylor Boynton
Katarzyna Brzoza
Jorgieliz Casanova
Rachel Cataudella
Taylor Chamberlain
Daniel Constantinidi
Jennifer DeGrand
Devon DeLallo
Elizabeth Falcigno
Catherine Ford
Giana Fazzino
Esther Hartzell
Stacie Hurley
Sarah Jordan
Bridget Judd
Sheridan McNamara
Dayna Metzger
Carly Ross
Aly Sklenarik
Eliannie Sola
Megan Thornton
Nicholas Wiehler

Kappa Gamma Pi

Inclusion in Kappa Gamma Pi, the national Catholic college graduate honor society founded in 1926, is awarded to graduates who are in the top ten percent of their class and have demonstrated academic excellence and service leadership during their college years. Members pledge to continue to uphold the highest standards of scholarship, leadership and service in their personal and professional lives.

Carla Ayoub
Omuni Barnes
Nicole Brown
Taylor Chamberlain
Shaunakay Clarke
Daniel Constantinidi
Jake Curello
Jennifer DeGrand
Devon DeLallo
Danielle Durazzo
Sharon Dunkley- Gentles
Lynette Easmon
Elizabeth Falcigno
Anthony Franco
Carla Frett
David Gagliardi
Emily Gallagher
Zuehailie Gardner
Le'Nise Gause
Vasiliki Groumousas
Roberta Harris
Muhammad Hossain
Stacie Hurley
Aimee Jette
Candice Johnson
Sherry Keller
Lisa Knight
Kasheene Levett
Sandra McKinnie
Melissa Reynolds
Dayna Metzger
Marissa Rivera
Rebecca Rowe-Indich
Stephen Sheiffele
Melissa Ulery
Amanda Vallario
Charlea Washington
Damek White

Alpha Phi Sigma

The national criminal justice honor society recognizes scholarly achievement in the field of criminal justice.

Natalie T. Ellis

Alpha Sigma Lambda

Alpha Sigma Lambda is the national honor society for non-traditional students in the Division of Accelerated Degree Programs. Students who are honored have achieved and maintained outstanding scholastic standards and leadership characteristics while handling additional responsibilities of work and families.

Eric Anderson
Stephen Angelica
Sarah Burgess
Luiz Casanova
David Cegan
Lisa Ciaramella
Kimberly Cricchi
Debra Davis
Genavave DeSisto
Michael Fettes
Shannon Gailloux
Emily Gallagher
Muhammad Hossain
Aimee Jette
Candice Johnson
Tirzah Kemp
Charles Lankford
Jacqueline Lewis
Eduardo Llanos
Gloria Llanos
Luise McDade
Magreth Mkenda
Rebecca Mozzer
Howard Paine
Richard Scott
Theresa Shelton
William Telemaque
Dorothy Wands
Racky Wane
Zelda Yalartai

Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges

Selection of national outstanding campus leaders for Who’s Who is based on academic achievement, service to the community, participation and leadership in extra-curricular activities and future leadership and/or potential.

Nicole Archer
Fenias Bahebura
Darlene Battle
Lisa Ciaramella
Daniel Constantinidi
Jennifer DeGrand
Devon DeLallo
Sharon Dunkley-Gentles
Davette Fowlin
Anthony Franco
Zuehailie Gardner
Le'Nise Gause
Meaghan Heeks
Muhammad Hossain
Stacie Hurley
Camaryn Hynes
Candice Johnson
Sherry Keller
Lisa Knight
Kasheene Levett
Eduardo Llanos
Michael Masselli
Sandra Mckinnie
Sheeren Moore
Julia Nucolo
Steven Rignoli
Tiffany Robinson
Stephen Sheiffele
Taylor Skyes
Christine Soto
Theresa Terry