| | | | | |
Patrick Abbazia | Library and Information Technology Services | Technical Support Analyst | 203-773-8570 | 8570 | pabbazia@albertus.edu |
Noah Allen | Undergrad Admissions | Admission Counselor | 203-787-8635 | 8635 | nallen@albertus.edu |
William Aniskovich | Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership | Dean of Tagliatela School of Business, Director of Masters in Health Care Administration | 203-672-6689 | 6689 | waaniskovich@albertus.edu |
Valeria Araujo | Student Affairs | Residential Life & Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 203-773-8577 | 8577 | varaujo@albertus.edu |
Rebecca Arnold | Department of Psychology | Associate Professor & Director of Master of Art Therapy and Counseling | Coordinator of MAATC Clinicals | 203-773-8903 | | rarnold@albertus.edu |
Christine Atkins | Department of Languages & Cultures | Professor of Spanish & Latinx Language, Literature, and Culture | 203-401-4071 | 4071 | catkins@albertus.edu |
Dwayne Austin | PGS Admissions | Senior Admissions Counselor | 203-672-6684 | 6684 | daustin@albertus.edu |
Julien Baptiste | PGS Admissions | Enrollment Coordinator and Slate Operations Manager | 203-672-6779 | | jjeanbaptiste@albertus.edu |
Sarah Barr | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Media Relations Specialist | 203-773-8527 | | sbarr1@albertus.edu |
Mark Barreuther | Department of Biology, Chemistry & Mathematics | Professor | 203-773-8583 | 8583 | mbarreuther@albertus.edu |
Mariam Battista | Office of Advancement | Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement | 203-773-8519 | 8519 | mbattista@albertus.edu |
Brittany Bauch | Undergrad Admissions | Assistant Director | Coordinator for International Admissions | 203-773-4471 | 4471 | bbauch@albertus.edu |
Carolyn Behan Kraus | Office of the President | Executive Director of College Events | 203-672-5323 | 5323 | cbehan@albertus.edu |
Tina Benigno | Department of English & Communications | Assistant Professor of Humanities/Faculty Advisor | 203-773-8560 | 8560 | tbenigno@albertus.edu |
Lisa Bilodeau | Office of Advancement | Assistant to the Vice President for Advancement | 203-773-8517 | 8517 | lbilodeau@albertus.edu |
Patricia Birungi | Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership | Associate Professor | Director of Master of Public Administration Program | 203-672-5309 | 5309 | pnbirungi@albertus.edu |
Shaina Blakesley | Athletics | Assistant Sports Information Director | Co-Senior Women's Administrator | 203-672-5317 | 5317 | sblakesley@albertus.edu |
Daniel Borkowski | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Jr. Website Developer | 203-773-8535 | 8535 | dborkowski@albertus.edu |
Robert Bourgeois | Department of Philosophy & Religion | Professor / Director Global Studies Program | 203-773-4446 | 4446 | rbourgeois@albertus.edu |
Kierran Broatch | Office of Advancement | Interim Vice President for Advancement | 203-773-4476 | 4476 | kbroatch@albertus.edu |
Rebecca Brogan | Department of Biology, Chemistry & Mathematics | Professor | 203-773-4436 | | rsbrogan@albertus.edu |
Christopher Bronander | Athletics | Head Men's Lacrosse Coach and Equipment Manager | 203-672-5316 | | cbronander@albertus.edu |
Kyra Brown | Health Services | Grant Coordinator | 203-773-8599 | 8599 | kbrown3@albertus.edu |
William M. Bruno | Business & Economics | Part Time Instructor | | | wmbruno@albertus.edu |
Cathy Buchanan | Dominican Mission | Coordinator of Dominican Ministries | 203-672-6678 | 6678 | cbuchanan@albertus.edu |
Louis Bunosso | Athletics | Head Softball Coach | | | lbunosso@albertus.edu |
Awilda Burroughs | Student Affairs | Operations Assistant | 203-672-6691 | 6691 | agburroughs@albertus.edu |
Christina Byrd | Financial Aid | Director of Financial Aid | 203-773-4444 | 4444 | cmbyrd@albertus.edu |
Mikyle Byrd-Vaughn | Department of Biology, Chemistry & Mathematics | Assistant Professor | 203-773-8557 | 8557 | mbyrdvaughn@albertus.edu |
Marc Camille | Office of the President | President, Albertus Magnus College | 203-773-8529 | 8529 | president@albertus.edu |
Lauren Carpenter | Education Programs Department of Education and Teacher Preparation | Director of Education Programs | 203-773-6960 | 6960 | lcarpenter@albertus.edu |
Michael Carruthers | Registrar | Student Records Coordinator | 203-773-8514 | | mcarruthers@albertus.edu |
Mark Case | Department of Biology, Chemistry & Mathematics | Professor | Coordinator of Mathematics | 203-773-8569 | 8569 | mbcase@albertus.edu |
Victoria Castel | Institutional Effectiveness | Research and Data Analyst | 203-672-5324 | 5324 | vcastel@albertus.edu |
Gary Chase | Athletics | Front Desk/Reception | 203-773-8596 | | gchase@albertus.edu |
Justin Cirisoli | Registrar | Registrar | 203-773-8514 | 8514 | jcirisoli@albertus.edu |
Patrick Clifford | Office of Career and Professional Development | Director, Office of Career and Professional Development | 203-773-6989 | 6989 | pclifford1@albertus.edu |
Susan Cole | Department of English & Communications | Professor | 203-773-8562 | 8562 | scole@albertus.edu |
Joel Copperthite | Academic Affairs | Coordinator of Accessibility Service and Student Success | (203) 672-6671 | | jcopperthite@albertus.edu |
Jessica Coughlin | Office of Advancement | Advancement Services Specialist | 203-672-6661 | 6661 | jcoughlin@albertus.edu |
Ruth Curzan | Division of Professional and Graduate Studies | Academic Advisor | 203-672-6765 | 6765 | rcurzan@albertus.edu |
Kaitlin D'Agostino | Athletics | Head Women's Lacrosse Coach | | | kmdagostino@albertus.edu |
Gina D'Ambrosca | Undergrad Admissions | Interim Director of Admissions | 203-777-5959 | 5959 | gdambrosca@albertus.edu |
Paula Danforth | Business Office | Accounting Specialist | 203-361-4021 | | pdanforth@albertus.edu |
Ashley David | Athletics | Women's Volleyball Coach | 631-875-9470 | | ardavid@albertus.edu |
Peyton Davis | Athletics | Assistant Softball Coach | | | pdavis@albertus.edu |
Thad Dawley | Institutional Effectiveness | Administrative Computing Manager | 203-773-0166 | 0166 | tdawley@albertus.edu |
Jessica De Young | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Director of Marketing and Web Strategy | 203-672-6654 | | jdeyoung@albertus.edu |
Jennifer Dealy | Department of Psychology | Associate Professor and Faculty Advisor | Co-Director of Honors Program | 203-672-5308 | 5308 | jdealy@albertus.edu |
Kristen DeCarli | Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership | Associate Professor | Co-Director of the Honors Program | Director of Sport Management | 203-773-8547 | 8547 | kdecarli@albertus.edu |
Alan DelFavero | Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership | Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Accounting Programs | 203-773-8565 | 8565 | aldelfavero@albertus.edu |
Melissa DeLucia | Academic Affairs | Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs | 203-773-8538 | 8538 | mdelucia@albertus.edu |
Monica Dennis | Department of Nursing | Nursing Program Coordinator | 203-672-6657 | | mdennis@albertus.edu |
Bonnie Dingus | Academic Affairs | Director of Faculty Support & Curriculum Services | 203-672-6763 | 6763 | bdingus@albertus.edu |
Sara Dowling | Enrollment Operations | Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Enrollment Management | 203-672-6787 | 6787 | sdowling@albertus.edu |
Benjamin Dubar-Conroy | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Website Developer | 203-773-8537 | 8537
| btconroy@albertus.edu |
Caryn Dudarevitch | Business Office | Accounts Payable Specialist | 203-773-8531 | 8531 | cdudarevitch@albertus.edu |
Edward Dunar | Dominican Mission | Director of the Meister Eckhart Center | 203-773-4428 | 4428 | edunar@albertus.edu |
Ross Edwards | Department of History, Political Science and Sociology | Dean of Academic Affairs for the Traditional Undergraduate Program, Interim Chair and Associate Professor of History & Political Science | 203-773-1289 | 1289 | redwards1@albertus.edu |
Brittney Edwards | Financial Aid | Financial Aid Counselor | 203-773-4443 | | bedwards1@albertus.edu |
Nabil Elias | Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership | Professor | Director of Public Health | 203-773-8582 | 8582 | nelias@albertus.edu |
Rosemary Engengro | Business Office | Falcon Campus Store Manager | 203-672-5325 | 5325 | rengengro@albertus.edu |
Jennifer Evans | Health Services | Mental Health Counselor | 203-672-5320 | 5320 | jevans@albertus.edu |
Siobhan Evarts | Department of Psychology | Professor / Director of the Master of Science in Clinical Counseling | 203-672-6675 | 6675 | soevarts@albertus.edu |
Brendan Faherty | Athletics | Sports Information Director | 203-773-8586 | | bfaherty@albertus.edu |
Tayah Fazzino-Little | Undergrad Admissions | Admission Counselor | 203-672-5312 | 5312 | trfazzinolittle@albertus.edu |
Brian Fernandes | Enrollment Operations | Vice President for Enrollment Management | 203-773-8518 | 8518 | bfernandes@albertus.edu |
Howard Fero | Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership | Professor of Management and Leadership / Director of Graduate Leadership Programs | 203-773-4424 | 4424 | hfero@albertus.edu |
Montana Fleming | Student Affairs | Assistant Director for Student Engagement and Campus Recreation | 203-752-8793 | 8793 | mfleming@albertus.edu |
Sandra Fomenko | Department of Nursing | Assistant Professor | 203-773-4433 | 4433 | sfomenko@albertus.edu |
Kristina Fortier | Athletics | Associate Head Athletic Trainer | 203-773-4472 | 4472 | kfortier@albertus.edu |
Andrew Foster | Student Affairs | Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students | 203-773-8542 | 8542 | afoster@albertus.edu |
Kervin Franco | Registrar | Assistant Registrar | 203-672-6659 | 6659 | kfranco@albertus.edu |
Deborah Frattini | Department of English & Communications | Associate Professor | 203-773-8564 | 8564 | dfrattini@albertus.edu |
JR Fredette | Athletics | Head Women's Basketball Coach / SAAC Advisor | 203-672-6673 | | rffredette@albertus.edu |
Robert Freyer | Financial Aid | Assistant Director of Financial Aid | 203-773-4440 | 4440 | rfreyer@albertus.edu |
David Garaventa | Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership | Associate Professor Director of CIS and Cyber Security Programs | 203-773-8563 | 8563 | dgaraventa@albertus.edu |
Michael Geary | Department of Criminal Justice | Professor | 203-773-8088 | 8088 | mgeary@albertus.edu |
Maggie Gibeault | Enrollment Operations | Director of Enrollment Management Operations | 203-672-6771 | 6771 | mgibeault@albertus.edu |
Joshua Gregoire | Financial Aid | Associate Director of Financial Aid | 203-672-6651 | 6651 | jgregoire@albertus.edu |
Peter Hamasian | Athletics | Assistant Director of Athletics / Fiscal Affairs & Head Men's Soccer Coach | 203-773-8936 | | phamasian@albertus.edu |
Tammy L. Hanna | Department of Psychology | Assistant Professor / Associate Director of Master of Science in Human Services | 203-672-6796 | | tlhanna@albertus.edu |
Christine Hansen | Academic Affairs | Faculty Services Coordinator and Academic Affairs Assistant | 203-773-8068 | 8068 | chansen@albertus.edu |
Kelly Hansen | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Strategic Communications Manager | 203-787 6879 | 6879 | khansen@albertus.edu |
Kevin Hardy | Office of Career and Professional Development | Assistant Director | 203-752-3063 | 3063 | khardy@albertus.edu |
Allison Hegan | Office of Advancement | Associate Director of Annual Giving | 203-672-6672 | 6672 | ahegan@albertus.edu |
Melanie Hellwig | Division of Professional and Graduate Studies | Academic Advisor / Student Success Counselor | 203-773-8512 | | mhellwig@albertus.edu |
Lynne Hennessy | Office of the President | Executive Assistant and Secretary to the President | 203-773-8529 | 8529 | lhennessy@albertus.edu |
Isaac Hon | Department of Biology, Chemistry & Mathematics | Professor of Chemistry | 203-401-4610 | 4610 | ihon@albertus.edu |
Peter Hsieh | Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership | Associate Professor | 203-773-8543 | 8543 | phsieh@albertus.edu |
Carol Huckaby | Department of Psychology | Part-Time Faculty / Director of Master of Science in Human Services | 203-562-1590 | 1590 | chuckaby@albertus.edu |
Daniel Hurley | Student Affairs | Coordinator for Student Engagement | 203-672-5319 | 5319 | dhurley@albertus.edu |
Keira Integlia | Athletics | Head Field Hockey | Co-Senior Women's Administrator | | | kinteglia@albertus.edu |
Help Desk ITS | Library and Information Technology Services | Help Desk | 203-773-0205 | 0205 | its-help@albertus.edu |
Michael James | Financial Aid | Financial Aid Operations Assistant | | | mjames1@albertus.edu |
Cynthia Jeffrey | Department of Nursing | Director of Nursing and Associate Professor | 203-773-4445 | | cjeffrey@albertus.edu |
Brenda Joslyn | Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership | Associate Professor and Faculty Advisor | 203-672-6772 | 6772 | bajoslyn@albertus.edu |
Stephen Joy | Department of Psychology | Professor / Chair Dept. of Psychology | 203-773-8555 | 8555 | sjoy@albertus.edu |
John Juniet | Athletics | Assistant Athletic Trainer | | | jjuniet@albertus.edu |
John Juniet | Athletics | Assistant Athletic Trainer | | | jjuniet@albertus.edu |
Stephanie Kanaan | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Marketing and Community Relations | 203-672-6677 | 6677 | skanaan@albertus.edu |
Elizabeth Karpf | Business Office | Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Finance and Administration | 203-773-8974 | 8974 | ekarpf@albertus.edu |
Sr. Anne Kilbride | Dominican Mission | Assistant to the President for Dominican Mission | 203-401-2024 | 2024 | akilbride@albertus.edu |
Maura Kjar | Business Office | Controller | 203-672-5315 | 5315 | mkjar@albertus.edu |
Gregory Knobelsdorff | Library and Information Technology Services | Associate Director of Technical Services | 203-773-8592 | 8592 | gknobelsdorff@albertus.edu |
Michael Kobylanski | Athletics | Director of Athletics | 203-773-8578 | 8578 | mkobylanski@albertus.edu |
Maureen Kos | Academic Affairs | Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Special Events Coordinator | 203-773-8539 | 8539 | mkos@albertus.edu |
Pericles Koutroulas | PGS Admissions | Senior Admissions Counselor | 203-773-5032 | 5032 | pkoutroulas@albertus.edu |
Andrea Kovacs | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Vice President for Marketing and Community Relations
| 203-773-8523 | 8523 | akovacs@albertus.edu |
Julianne Kraus | Business Office | Sr. Student Accounts Administrator, Day Undergraduate, New Dimensions and Graduate Programs | 203-773-8532 | 8532 | jkraus1@albertus.edu |
Barbara Krause | Department of Biology, Chemistry & Mathematics | Assistant Professor | 203-773-8549 | 8549 | bkrause@albertus.edu |
Ruth Lamy | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Graphic Designer | 203-773-8567 | 8567 | rlamy@albertus.edu |
Matthew Lavery | Student Affairs | Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator | 203-672-1056 | | mlavery@albertus.edu |
John Lawrie | Department of Criminal Justice | Associate Professor / Chair, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice | 203-773-6142 | 6142 | jnlawrie@albertus.edu |
Main Line | Public Safety | | 203-773-8509 | 8509 | publicsafety@albertus.edu |
Eileen Lopez-Cordone | PGS Admissions | Assistant Director of Admission and Employer Liaison | 203-672-6788 | 6788 | elopezcordone@albertus.edu |
Jeffrey Luoma | Institutional Effectiveness | Director of Institutional Effectiveness | 203-773-8573 | 8573 | jluoma@albertus.edu |
Elizabeth Magenheimer | Health Services | Nurse Practitioner | 203-773-8938 | 8938 | healthclinic@albertus.edu |
Debra Marino | Student Affairs | Project Director for the Prevention of Power-Based Violence | 203-773-4477 | 4477 | dmarino@albertus.edu |
Courtney Mattiace | Health Services | Director of Health and Wellness Services | 203-672-5321 | 5321 | cmattiace@albertus.edu |
John McCann | Library and Information Technology Services | Reference Librarian | 203-672-6682 | 6682 | jmccann@albertus.edu |
Timothy Meyers | Library and Information Technology Services | Director of Library and Technical Services | 203-773-4434 | 4434 | tmeyers@albertus.edu |
David Mikhail | Library and Information Technology Services | Network Analyst | 203-786-3026 | 3026 | dmikhail@albertus.edu |
Joshua Miller | Public Safety | Manager of Public Safety | 203-672-6799 | 6799 | jmiller3@albertus.edu |
Neda Moinolmoki | Department of Psychology | Full Time Faculty | 203-773-8548 | | nmoinolmolki@albertus.edu |
Erin Molkenthin | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Internal Communications and Jr. Graphic Designer | 203-773-8951 | 8951 | esmolkenthin@albertus.edu |
Joseph Monaco | Athletics | Communications & Operations Assistant | 203-672-6648 | | jmonaco@albertus.edu |
Erin Morrell | Student Affairs | Associate Dean for Student Engagement & New Student Orientation | 203-773-8541 | 8541 | emorrell@albertus.edu |
Jerome Nevins | Department of Arts | Professor / Chair, Department of Arts | 203-773-8546 | 8546 | jnevins@albertus.edu |
Stephen Novodor | Athletics | Head Women's Ice Hockey Coach | 203-223-8266 | | snovodor@albertus.edu |
Cynthia O'Brien | Academic Affairs | Coordinator of Graduate Programs, Licensing and Certification | 203-773-6998 | 6998 | cobrien1@albertus.edu |
Mitchell Oliver | Athletics | Assistant Athletic Director - Recruiting/Head Men's Basketball Coach | 203-773-8575 | | moliver@albertus.edu |
Susan Olson | Department of Arts | Professor of Music | 203-773-8551 | 8551 | solson1@albertus.edu |
Johanna Orces | Student Affairs | International Student Coordinator | 203-672-1055 | 1055 | jorces@albertus.edu |
Ashley Padilla | Undergrad Admissions | Admission Counselor | 203-787-8634 | 8634 | apadilla1@albertus.edu |
Donna Pallanti | Department of Education and Teacher Preparation | Certification Officer, edTPA Coordinator | 203-773-4421 | 4421 | dpallanti@albertus.edu |
Samantha Pannone | Human Resources | Human Resources Generalist | 203-773-4478 | 4478 | spannone@albertus.edu |
Sage Pappacoda | Business Office | Staff Accountant | 203-773-8553 | 8553 | spappacoda@albertus.edu |
Lauren Parisi | Academic Affairs | Coordinator of the Germain Center for Academic Services | 203-672-6658 | 6658 | lrparisi@albertus.edu |
Jacqueline Patron | PGS Admissions | Director of Admissions | 203-672-6768 | 6768 | jcpatron@albertus.edu |
Bonnie Pepper | Department of Psychology | Associate Professor | 203-773-8545 | 8545 | bpepper@albertus.edu |
George Petrunia | Mailroom | Mail Services Operations Coordinator | 203-773-8550 | 8550 | gpetrunia@albertus.edu |
Allison Pinto | Athletics | Associate Head Athletic Trainer | 203-773-4472 | | apinto@albertus.edu |
Adam Raffone | Athletics | Head Women's & Men's Tennis Coach | 203-200-8065 | | araffone@albertus.edu |
Ian Ratchford | Athletics | Head Baseball Coach/Coordinator of Athletics for Operations and Facilities | 203-773-8534 | | iratchford@albertus.edu |
Sarah Reed | Faculty- Visual & Performing Arts | Chorus Director | | | sreed1@albertus.edu |
Tracy Reveliotty | Undergrad Admissions | Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions | 203-773-8589 | 8589 | treveliotty@albertus.edu |
Ana Reyes | Undergrad Admissions | Coordinator for Admission Operations | 203-773-8524 | 8524 | areyes2@albertus.edu |
Sr. Rosemary Reynolds, SNDdeN | Office of Career and Professional Development | Associate Director of Employment Partnerships & Career Coaching | 203-401-4046 | 4046 | rreynolds@albertus.edu |
Shiva Rezvan | Department of Psychology | Associate Professor | Coordinator MS Clinical Counseling | 203-672-6770 | | srezvan@albertus.edu |
Steven Rignoli | Office of Advancement | Director of Advancement Operations | 203-672-6662 | 6662 | sarignoli@albertus.edu |
John Ritchie | Public Safety | Director of Public Safety | 203-773-6923 | 6923 | jritchie@albertus.edu |
Rosa Rivera-Hainaj | Department of Biology, Chemistry & Mathematics | Professor | 203-773-8540 | | rriverahainaj@albertus.edu |
Rosa Rivera-Hainaj | Academic Affairs | Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty | 203-773-8539 | | rriverahainaj@albertus.edu |
Paul Robichaud | Department of English & Communications | Professor / Chair Dept. of English | 203-773-8556 | 8556 | probichaud@albertus.edu |
Eddie Sam | Library and Information Technology Services | Video Media Coordinator and Network Analyst | 203-773-8954 | 8954 | esam@albertus.edu |
June Sangapore | Academic Affairs | Dean of Advising and Student Success | 203-672-6761 | 6761 | jsangapore@albertus.edu |
James Schafrick | Business Office | Assistant Vice President for Finance & Operations | 203-773-8507 | 8507 | jschafrick@albertus.edu |
Kaityln Schmitt | Student Affairs | Assistant Residential Life Coordinator | | | kmschmitt@albertus.edu |
Eric Schoeck | Department of English & Communications | Associate Professor | 203-672-6775 | 6775 | eschoeck@albertus.edu |
Steven Sciaraffa | Library and Information Technology Services | Library Technology and Resources Coordinator | 203-672-6798 | 6798 | ssciaraffa@albertus.edu |
James Scott |
Department of Criminal Justice | Associate Professor and
Faculty Advisor of Criminal Justice | 203-672-5306 | 5306 | jtscott@albertus.edu |
Dan Secore | Facilities Services | Director of Facilities Management | 203-773-8506 | 8506 | dsecore@albertus.edu |
Mat Sheehan | Library and Information Technology Services | Scholarly Communications & Collections Development Librarian | 203-773-8595 | 8595 | msheehan@albertus.edu |
Christopher Shine | Library and Information Technology Services | Instructional Technology Specialist | 203-672-6687 | 6687 | cjshine@albertus.edu |
Nicola Singh | Department of History, Political Science and Sociology | Associate Professor | 203-401-2068 | 2068 | nsingh@albertus.edu |
Matt Smith | Athletics | Head Men and Women's Golf Coach | | | msmith5@albertus.edu |
Jennifer Snow | Division of Professional and Graduate Studies | Student Services Coordinator | 203-773-0274 | 0274 | jmsnow@albertus.edu |
Jonathan Sozek | Department of Philosophy & Religion | Associate Professor & Co-Chair of Philosophy and Religion | Director of Arts & Humanities | 203-773-8554 | 8554 | jsozek@albertus.edu |
Jenny Spyres | Department of English & Communications | Reading and Writing Specialist | 203-773-0253 | 0253 | jspyres@albertus.edu |
Tatiana St. Juste | Athletics | Head Swim Coach/Aquatics Director/Athletic Diversity Inclusion Designee | 203-672-6778 | | tstjuste@albertus.edu |
Eva Steinberg | Business Office | Assistant Controller | 203-672-6646 | 6646 | esteinberg@albertus.edu |
Tahlya Stevenson | Department of Education and Teacher Preparation | Instructional Coordinator of the AAP Program | 203-672-6649 | | tmstevenson@albertus.edu |
Lauri Strimkovsky | Business Office | VP for Finance and Administration | 203-773-8516 | 8516 | lstrimkovsky@albertus.edu |
Armando Stuckey | Housekeeping Services | Manager | 203-200-9893 | 9893 | astuckey@albertus.edu |
Renee Sullivan | Human Resources | Director of Human Resources | 203-773-4474 | 4474 | rsullivan@albertus.edu |
Ellen Sutton | Department of Nursing | Assistant Professor | 203-672-6645 | 6645 | esutton@albertus.edu |
Samantha Tyrrel | Division of Marketing and Community Relations | Digital Content Producer | 203-773-8526 | 8526 | styrrel@albertus.edu |
Jermaine Vazquez | Student Affairs | Esports Advisor & Gaming Coordinator | | | javazquez@albertus.edu |
Tarishi Verma | Department of English & Communications | Assistant Professor | Coordinator of Communications | Interim Director of the Writing Programs
| 203-773-8559 | 8559 | tverma@albertus.edu |
Matthew Waggoner | Department of Philosophy & Religion | Professor / Chair, Dept. of Philosophy & Religion / Director of the Urban Studies Program | 203-752-8762 | 8762 | mwaggoner@albertus.edu |
Nicholas Wajnowski | Athletics | Senior Associate Director of Athletics / Compliance Coordinator / Head Women's Soccer Coach | 203-773-8579 | | nwajnowski@albertus.edu |
Kyle Wallack | Athletics | Head Men's Ice Hockey Coach | 203-672-6683 | | kwallack@albertus.edu |
Sarah Wallman | Department of English & Communications | Professor / Director MFA Program | 203-773-4473 | 4473 | swallman@albertus.edu |
Bruce Weckworth | Athletics | Associate Athletic Director, Student Athlete Success and Strategic Initiatives | 203-773-8510 | | bweckworth@albertus.edu |
Cameron Weitzman | Business Office | Student Accounts Coordinator | 203-672-6647 | 6647 | cweitzman@albertus.edu |
Rosemary Whelan | Department of Biology, Chemistry & Mathematics | Professor & Chair of the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics | 203-401-4682 | | rwhelan@albertus.edu |
Catie White | Library and Information Technology Services | Community Services Librarian and College Archivist | 203-672-6681 | 6681 | scwhite@albertus.edu |
Elliot Wolfer | Department of Nursing | Assistant Professor | 203-672-6674 | | ewolfer@albertus.edu |
Heather Wotton | Academic Affairs | Assistant Dean of Advising & Student Services | 203-773-8558 | 8558 | hwotton@albertus.edu |